3 strands to RE at St James: 1.Ensuring academic progress is made, leading to students achieving their academic potential at GCSE. 2.Teaching the Catholic faith – the Shrewsbury Diocesan scheme of work 3. Ensuring students growing spiritually
Academic progress Students follow the St James flight path, using their KS2 English SATS score as the starting point. Each child is expected to make two sub levels of progress, for example a child who comes to St James with: Level 4b in their English SATS score should expect to achieve a 5c at the end of Year 7. Levelled Assessments take place once a term. Your childs book will also be marked regularly and a level will be given, so your child and you will be able to track their progress. Homework will be set once a week.
Teaching the Catholic faith: Year 7 Membership of a Catholic school Sacrament of Baptism Our Faith Story Jesus life and Mission Sacrament of holy orders Pentecost Sacrament of Confirmation Year 8Membership of a Catholic school Pilgrimage Sacrament of the sick Choices – Sacrament of reconciliation The Eucharist Year 9 Membership of a Catholic school GCSE syllabus after Christmas Other world faiths – Year 7 – Sikhism, Year 8 – Judaism, Year 9 - Islam
Ensuring students grow spiritually: Retreats currently take place in Year 8 and 9 Advent/Lenten services occur, when the students are taken to the Chapel for a time of reflection Meditation in lessons Prayer is encouraged during lessons Students pray the rosary once a week Use the prayer garden when weather permits
How can you help…? Encourage your child to spend at least 30 minutes on Homework. Christians should disagree with war. Ask your child to think why someone would agree with this. Then ask them why someone would disagree. Encourage them to think on their feet, to give their own opinions but also see why someone might disagree. Example: Women should not be allowed to be priests.
How can you help …? Talk to your child about Confirmation this will take place in Year 8 or 9 depending on your Parish Take your child to Mass Encourage your child to go to Confession Talk positively about prayer – pray at home Encourage your child to talk about their faith