SAMR Model in the Classroom Publishing Books in the Classroom From Pen and Paper to Google Slides
What my students used to make. I use this lesson in my English Language Arts when we create a biography picture storybook on an influential person and on a compare and contrast project From Paper and Pen Substitution level: Typing on a word document to create a picture storybook. Draw a picture or cut out pictures or clipart to illustrate the book What my students used to make. A typical word document
From Word Document to Powerpoint Using technology to make a statement! From the Microsoft Document I taught students to use PowerPoint. This gave the assignment more personal touches and a professional look. This is what the project looked like when all I had was a computer lab once a week. Microsoft Powerpoint!
From Powerpoint to Google Slides Instant Feedback from teachers or peers! WHAT?! After the school district upgraded to one-to-one devices with each child having a google account I was able to take the assignment to the next level. Students were able to share their stories with each other for peer editing. Students were able to receive quick feedback from the teacher right on their presentations. Look at the detail and the thought put into the design. We are moving mountains and creating magic! Google Slides to the rescue!
From Google Slides To Unlimited Possibilities Click on the links to see the magic! I love letting students explore, create, and change the way we do school! Presentation Example Students were able to take the presentation abilities to the next level. Animation and transitions were unbelievable. Students were able to change the dimensions of the google slides to the dimensions of a regular printer paper to print out storybooks. The experimentation of different clipart, gif, and youtube abilities enhanced their presentation greatly. Picture Storybook Example