Manage Your Finances Your First Year The Dos and Donts 1)DONT pay your bills late. When you dont pay bills on time, your credit score takes a negative hit. DO: Set up reoccurring payments, text/ alerts and continue to pay even if youre on break! 2)DONT shop til you drop. Shopping today becomes one giant bill later. Plus, if you spend more money than what's in your account, youll incur overdraft fees. DO: Create a budget and then stick to it.
3)DONT avoid establishing credit. Why does building credit matter? Youll be able to rent an apartment on your own without the need for a parent to co-sign your lease. Plus, youll qualify for lower loan rates when you want to buy a car. DO: Open a low-rate Visa Student Credit Card and make payments on time. 4)DONT become a victim of the "Ostrich Syndrome. Ignoring your financial mistakes wont make them go away. DO: Reach out to your creditors if you didnt pay something or didnt receive a bill. Make sure they have your most up-to-date mailing address on file.
5)DONT: fall prey to fraud or identity theft. Every 3 seconds someones identity is stolen. College students, along with people who have social media profiles and smartphone owners, are one of the highest groups of people targeted for ID theft. DO: Protect your pin and account numbers. Be wary of personal information you post on social media platforms. Use a password to protect information on your smartphone. Always report lost or stolen cards and never respond to online, telephone or texts requesting for personal information.