Overview of the Species at Risk Act for Local Governments Powell River Regional District Brad Langman Conservation Project Development Officer Canadian Wildlife Service November 17, 2016
Overview of the Species at Risk Act (SARA) Federal Act administered by Environment and Climate Change Canada Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Parks Canada Currently over 500 species (including ~400 terrestrial species) on SARA Schedule 1 Approximately 170 terrestrial species at risk in BC Short-eared Owl Monarch
Overview of the Species at Risk Act (SARA) Applies on all lands in Canada; how it applies depends on species and land tenure On federal lands and for federal species legal protection is automatic On “non-federal” land for “non-federal” species, SARA is available to provide protection if needed Great Blue Heron (Fannini subspecies) Western Painted Turtle
Implementation & Monitoring Overview of the Species at Risk Act (SARA) Purpose of SARA Prevent species from becoming extinct or extirpated Provide for recovery Assessment Listing Recovery Planning Implementation & Monitoring
Implementation & Monitoring The SARA Process Assessment Listing Recovery Planning Implementation & Monitoring sararegistry.gc.ca
Implementation & Monitoring The SARA Process List of species at risk: Endangered Threatened Special Concern Assessment Listing Recovery Planning Implementation & Monitoring Identification of “critical habitat”
The SARA Process Assessment Listing Recovery Planning Implementation & Monitoring Western Bumble Bee Wolverine Western Painted Turtle Marbled Murrelet Western Screech Owl, kennicottii ssp.
The SARA Process Assessment Listing Recovery Planning Implementation & Monitoring Barn Swallow Grizzly Bear, Western Pop. Contorted-pod Evening Primrose Whitebark Pine
Critical Habitat for Species at Risk “…the habitat that is necessary for the survival or recovery of a listed wildlife species and that is identified as the species’ critical habitat in a recovery strategy or in an action plan for the species.” Only identified for species listed as Threatened, Endangered, or Extirpated Consists of a geographic area and a description of biophysical attributes within that area
Powell River Regional District Critical Habitat for Species at Risk Powell River Regional District Critical Habitat - habitat necessary for survival or recovery Powell River Regional District
Powell River Regional District Critical Habitat for Species at Risk Powell River Regional District Critical Habitat - habitat necessary for survival or recovery Savary Island
Critical Habitat for Species at Risk Current critical habitat in Powell River RD Marbled Murrelet Contorted-pod Evening-primrose Possible future critical habitat in Powell River RD Little Brown Myotis (if identified in recovery document) Western Painted Turtle (if identified in recovery document) Whitebark Pine (if identified in recovery document) Western Screech Owl (if identified in recovery document) Barn Swallow (if species is listed and identified in recovery document) Others (TBD)
Critical Habitat Protection Existing tools on non-federal land Forest and Range Practices Act Water Sustainability Act Wildlife Act Land codes, bylaws, zoning, permitting Others “Safety net” on non-federal land E.g. “Emergency orders” for Sage Grouse and Western Chorus Frog
Resources Canadian Wildlife Service (brad.langman@canada.ca) Data to assist in land use planning including draft CH when available Assistance in interpreting CH ID and activities likely to destroy CH Ecological Gifts program & funding programs Species at Risk Public Registry (sararegistry.gc.ca) Green Bylaws Toolkit (www.greenbylaws.ca) BC CDC (env.gov.bc.ca/cdc) iMap BC including federal CH data (maps.gov.bc.ca/ess/sv/imapbc)