Why study learning? We will be taking a psychological perspective. Some of this might not be directly applicable to your learning, but it some of it definitely is. Try to take what you learn here and apply it to your own learning.
Learning: defined Learning is a relatively permanent change in behaviour due to experiences. Learning is a semi-permanent shift in the probability that certain behaviours will occur in response to certain stimuli.
So what kind of learning are we going to look at? Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning Social/Observational Learning
Classical Conditioning Who uses their cellphone for their alarm clock? What kind of alarm sound do you have set? Lets hear it! http://www.soundsnap.com/tags/alarm_clock
Pavlov and his pups Ivan Pavlov, 1849-1936 Did a lot of work with animals, not humans. Most famous experiment was with his salivating dogs.
Pavlov’s Dogs Originally he was studying the amount of saliva dogs were producing when fed. He realized that the dogs were salivating before the food was even given to them. This led to Pavlov varying the stimulus prior to feeding (antecedent).
Pavlov’s Dogs