An Introduction Greek Theatre.


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Presentation transcript:

An Introduction Greek Theatre

First of all… What do you know about ancient Greece? Pair share with your shoulder partner for one minute. Write down your ideas on your guided notes page. Be ready for popsicle sticks!

The Classical Period in Greece The classical period is often referred to as Athens greatest political and cultural height. Democracy was fully developed, the Parthenon was built, the tragedies created by playwrights brought a new entertainment, philosophy was developed, and the people of Greece embraced it all. The Men ran the government and spent a great deal of their time away from home. When not involved in politics, the men spent time in the fields, overseeing or working the crops, sailing, hunting, or trading. For fun men enjoyed wrestling, horseback riding, and the Olympic Games.

Introduction to Greek Theater Teachers Click Here

Let’s look at some modern day examples of the Greek Chorus How I Met Your Mother – The older Ted voiceover is kind of like a Greek Chorus- he comments on the action Gossip Girl – In Gossip Girl, random people often offer their opinion on the story line like a Greek Chorus – They represent the community’s views.

Oedipus the King Before we read Antigone this six weeks, we need to understand her family history. Oedipus is Antigone’s father. We will read his story.

One more device of the day: Irony Oedipus the King & 3 Kinds of Irony

What is Irony? Irony is about expectations. Irony: the opposite of what is expected. 3 kinds of irony Verbal Dramatic Situational

Verbal Irony A character says one thing but means the opposite Also called sarcasm or being sarcastic. Examples The locker room smells really good. Awesome! Another homework packet!

Let’s see an example… Mean Girls!

Dramatic Irony When the reader understands more about the events of a story than a character. You know something that a character doesn’t. Example Tim’s parents are proud of the “A” he got on the test, but we know he cheated. Alex writes a love poem to Judy but we know that Judy loves Devin.

Let’s see an example… The Titanic

Situational Irony When what actually happens is the opposite of what is expected. Something about the situation is completely unexpected. Example General Sedgwick’s last words were, “They couldn’t hit an elephant at this distance.” Bill Gates uses an Apple computer.

Let’s See An Explanation Or a Clown Fish that is not funny

Review Something that is ironic is unexpected. If unexpected by a character, it’s dramatic. If unexpected by everyone, it’s situational. If it’s sarcasm, it’s verbal.

Irony in Oedipus Pick two of the three types of irony we just learned about and explain how it is used in Oedipus the King. You will need at least two quotes to back up your claim. Your claim should look like this… “Sophocles uses ____________ irony in Oedipus the King in order to….