“I Have a Dream” A Look Back at the Civil Rights Movement Through Pictures
Nathan Bedford Forrest
Ku Klux Klan stages march in Washington D.C. in the 1920s
Ida B. Wells, Spent her life fighting to end lynching
W.E.B. DuBois, cofounder of NAACP
A. Phillip Randolph, Civil Rights activist
Strom Thurmond ran for President in 1948, wanted to continue Jim Crow
Thurgood Marshall celebrating victory in Brown vs. Board
Rosa Parks
Emmett Till
Autherine Lucy
University of Alabama students burn desegregation literature, 1956
Arkansas Gov. Orval Faubas and Little Rock Nine
CORE Workers look at damage from shooting
Freedom Riders leave on trip to Deep South
James Meredith
Eugene “Bull” Connor
Alabama Gov. George Wallace
Mississippi NAACP leader Medgar Evers
Pres. Lyndon Johnson signs Civil Rights Bill
Grave of female civil rights worker, killed for driving with a black gentleman
Three Civil Rights workers, Killed by the Klan with the help of the police
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party Convention
Bob Dylan with Civil Rights Activists
Bob Moses
Fannie Lou Hamer
Selma March