The Owner Of Two Gardens Happy Land For Islamic Teachings Ramadan 1437 Gems Of Surah Al-Kahf-2 For ages 7-10 The Owner Of Two Gardens Happy Land For Islamic Teachings Ramadan 1437
Happy Land For Islamic Teachings Ramadan 1437 Once upon a time, long long ago, there lived two men. One of them was rich and the other was poor. Both of them had gardens. Happy Land For Islamic Teachings Ramadan 1437
Happy Land For Islamic Teachings Ramadan 1437 The rich man had two huge gardens. On one side of the gardens, there was a vineyard. Its grapes were bigger and sweeter than any other grapes. Happy Land For Islamic Teachings Ramadan 1437
A river also flowed merrily through it. The vineyards were surrounded by palm trees and it was rich and abundant with fruit. A river also flowed merrily through it. Between the two gardens there were fields of grains. Happy Land For Islamic Teachings Ramadan 1437
Happy Land For Islamic Teachings Ramadan 1437
Happy Land For Islamic Teachings Ramadan 1437 All these blessings of Allah swt made the rich gardener a very proud man. He took a lot of pride in his beautiful garden. Happy Land For Islamic Teachings Ramadan 1437
Happy Land For Islamic Teachings Ramadan 1437 Every time the two friends met, he told his friend, “I am richer than you in wealth and have more servants and attendants and children, so my family is better than yours!!!” Happy Land For Islamic Teachings Ramadan 1437
Happy Land For Islamic Teachings Ramadan 1437 Then he went out to his beautiful garden and looked at it and said “I think this will not perish ever and I don’t think the Hour will ever come” !!!!!!!!! Happy Land For Islamic Teachings Ramadan 1437
Happy Land For Islamic Teachings Ramadan 1437 When the poor gardener saw his friend behave in such a wicked way, he asked , “ Don’t you believe that Allah created you from dust? Why don’t you praise Allah swt? As for myself, I believe that Allah is my Lord and I will never worship anyone except Allah. It would have been better had you said “Ma shaa Allah –that which Allah wills (will happen)! La hawla wala quwata illa billa (there is no power but will Allah!!)” Happy Land For Islamic Teachings Ramadan 1437
Happy Land For Islamic Teachings Ramadan 1437 The very next day, a terrible thing happened. Allah sent a storm that destroyed everything. Bunches of grapes were ripped from their branches and everything fell to the ground. Happy Land For Islamic Teachings Ramadan 1437
“I wish that I had worshiped Only Allah “! Realizing his mistake the rich man cried and was left with sadness at the mistake he had made. He said “I wish that I had worshiped Only Allah “! Happy Land For Islamic Teachings Ramadan 1437
Happy Land For Islamic Teachings Ramadan 1437 Lessons The first lesson is that all the wealth is a test from Allah Almighty. Therefore, to those whom He grants, He is actually testing them whether they will be grateful to Him or not. Secondly, a Muslim must always remember that the things of this world are all temporary, therefore, when they are available one must thank Allah and spend on the ones who don’t have these worldly pleasures available to them. Thirdly, the story teaches us never to be proud and always stay humble. The ultimate POWER lies with Allah swt. Happy Land For Islamic Teachings Ramadan 1437
Happy Land For Islamic Teachings Ramadan 1437