Administration 101 Presenter’s Name(s)
Position Responsibilities Maintain/update operating procedures Supervise trainings (internal and external) Oversees council-wide awards Oversees officer selection Works on recruiting/membership CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016
Operating Procedures States purpose and responsibilities Provides guidance and clarification Example: Dates of newsletters, which weekend is your fun event, etc. and the backdating timetable to achieve Outlines organization and responsibilities Can customize to fit specific needs of each council ByLaws generator located on CR website ( ficers_Association/ ) CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016
Officer Selection Selection process is handled at the council’s discretion Eventually written into your Council Operation Procedures Current and past crew officers are eligible to submit an application All tier terms start on June 1st and end on May 31st CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016
Trainings Internal Development Officer orientation Work with crew presidents External Development Youth Protection ALPS Training (Goal Setting and Time Management, etc. ) CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016
Council Standards of Venturing Excellence Council VOA Survey Similar in structure to JTE Deadline: February 15th Checkpoints to see if your council VOA is on the right track & succeeding Use to recognize strengths and weaknesses Membership, communication, leadership, etc. Fill out whether your council has fulfilled all requirements or not Provides feedback on your council’s VOA Found at CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016
Venturing Leadership Awards “The Venturing Leadership Award is presented by councils, areas, regions, and the BSA National Council to Venturers and Venturing Advisors who have made exceptional contributions to Venturing and who exemplify the Scout Oath and Scout Law.” CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016
Venturing Leadership Awards Presented annually, selection date is at each Council’s discrepancy Nomination and selection process is defined in OPs Quota: 2 awards for the first 50 crews and 1 additional award for each additional 25 crews or fraction thereof Example: 76 crews → 4 awards The number of adult awards should not exceed the number of youth awards presented CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016
Make it Unique! Minute taking/agenda editing Council Contact List President’s Right Hand Man CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016
Further Information <insert additional resources> CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016
Questions? Presenter’s Name(s) Contact Information