So you like like someone… Dealing with crushes, relationships, and broken hearts
“like like”- a definition When you “like like” someone, it means that you have intense feelings for them, at least for a certain time period You might feel excited, nervous, or shy when they are around This is someone that you might one day want to date You usually can see all the good things about that person and pay very close attention to that person You think about them a lot, even when they are not around Someone you “like like” can be a friend or an acquaintance Another word for “like like” is a “crush” “like like”- a definition
The Do’s and Do Not’s of having a crush Tell one close friend about your crush or write about it in a journal. Hang out with your crush, especially in a big group of friends. Be yourself! Act normal! Focus your thoughts and free time on other people and interests. Be well-balanced. Accept that your crush might not like you back. Do not: Tell lots of people about your crush, especially if you expect it to stay a secret. Expect your crush to hang out with just you. You don’t own them or their time. Do not be clingy. Change the way you act just to please your crush. Obsess over your crush by only talking about, thinking about, and hanging out with them. Get angry with your crush if they don’t like you, talk bad about them, or try to think of their bad traits. They are still awesome people, but they don’t like like you right now. The Do’s and Do Not’s of having a crush
What does “dating” looking like in Middle School? Many students aren’t allowed to date until they are 16 (or at least older than Middle School) “Dating” or “going out” in Middle School often means: Two people sit next to each other at lunch Two people write each other notes Two people spend time getting to know each other This might last a few days, a few weeks, or a few months until the two people decide to “stop going out” or “break up” Note: This does not mean they ignore other friends! They should still work to nurture relationships with friends of both genders! What does “dating” looking like in Middle School?
Getting over your crush When a relationship changes (from crush to non-crush, from dating partner to friend, or from dating partner to acquaintance), we can feel disappointed and sad Here are some tips to get over your crush: Acknowledge that you like liked this person and that those feelings are ok. Write this in a journal if it helps. Understand that this doesn’t mean you are unlovable, a failure, or lacking in any way. It just didn’t work out this time. That’s ok. Give yourself space from your crush. Don’t ignore them completely, but maybe hang out with different people at school until you feel a little better. Try some new hobbies and start a new, fun project. New ways of thinking and exercise are great ways to re-energize your mind! Talk to a trusted adult for more specific tips! Parents can be great helps because they understand what you are going through. Getting over your crush
Crush Corner- Advice time! Your teacher will hand out numbered answer cards to some students. Then, your teacher will read a crush scenario that will ask for advice. If you have the answer card, read or summarize the answer for the class. Crush Corner- Advice time!