Middle East
Ethnic mix problems Civil War Shiite vs. Sunni Counties boarders arbitrary
Israel Created after WWII United Nations creates it
Iranian Revolution Religious group takes over Iranian Hostage Crisis
Era of Oil OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) Black Gold
Rich because of Oil United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi, Dubai) Qatar Very Rich!
Arab Spring Revolutions in Egypt, Libya and Syria Social Media (Facebook)
Tunisia Man lights himself on fire 2010 Protests erupts Peaceful regime change
Egypt People rise up march in the streets Eventually backed by military Leader ousted Not remained stable
Yemen Marches Spurred by young and educated Not enough jobs Low standard of living
Libya Guammar Gaddafi Marches led to civil war Short lasting a year End in Gaddafi’s execution
Syria Civil War Marches start Brutal crackdown by Assad Rebels take up arms ISIS in way Russia, Iran, Lebannon Back Assad USA, Arab peninsula, Turkey, Jordan Back Rebels
Syrian Refugee Crisis 4 Million Refugees Fleeing War, Death, Destruction Seek a better life Most are Women and Children