1968 – 1993 Nixon - Bush Chapters 24 & 25
Richard M. Nixon Won 1968 and 1972 Elections Spokesperson for the Silent Majority New Federalism – federal government gave money to states to fund social programs Stagflation – combination of recession and inflation OPEC oil embargo
Nixon and Watergate Nixon linked to burglary of Democratic headquarters at the Watergate Complex Senate investigation calls for release of Oval office tapes Nixon refuses claiming executive privilege Supreme Court says that tapes do not fall under executive privilege and orders tapes to be turned over to investigators Nixon is charged with obstructing justice, misuse of power and refusing to comply
Results of Watergate Nixon resigns on August 8, 1974 Nixon used 25th Amendment to nominate Gerald Ford as Vice President Public confidence in government dwindled Several government reforms 1974 - 1978
Gerald R. Ford Succeeded Nixon as President; never elected Pardoned Nixon Stagflation continued Helsinki Accords – European countries favor human rights SALT II with Soviet Union - limit nuclear arms
James E. Carter Won 1976 Presidential election with help of Christian fundamentalists Inexperienced – caused problems when trying to pass legislation Energy Crisis – conservation December 1979 Soviets invade Afghanistan Carter withdrew SALT II and imposed sanctions including boycotting 1980 Olympic games in Moscow
James E. Carter Returned the Panama Canal zone to Panama by 1999 – very controversial Camp David Accords – peace treaty between Egypt and Israel Carter’s greatest foreign policy achievement Iran hostage Crisis – Iranian radicals held 66 Americans hostage for 444 days Big setback for Carter
Ronald W. Reagan Conservative resurgence Won 1980 and 1984 Elections Opposed big government Supported strong military Traditional values Optimism/ Prosperity and Patriotism Supply-side economics (Reaganomics)– reduce taxes to encourage spending which will help the economy grow
Ronald W. Reagan Economic Recovery Act 1981 Reduced taxes by 25% over 3 years Richest Americans received largest cuts. Why? Deregulation – removal of government control over industry Federal budget deficit – caused by increased military spending and decrease in taxes The deficit increased from $79 billion over $221 billion in just 6 years Equal Access Act – any group equal access to school facilities
Ronald W. Reagan Military Buildup Iran-Contra Affair (1985) Largest in peacetime history SDI – Strategic Defense Initiative (“Star Wars”) Aided anticommunist rebellions in Afghanistan, Nicaragua, and Grenada Iran-Contra Affair (1985) U.S. sold weapons to Iran Used the money to support Contras in Nicaragua Negatively affected Reagan’s legacy (but not much)
George H.W. Bush Won 1988 Presidential election “Kinder, gentler Nation” Sent troops to Panama December 1989 Manuel Noriega arrested and convicted of drug trafficking China 1989 – prodemocracy protests in Tiananmen Square Chinese government crushed the rebellions Bush condemned the actions of China but kept economic ties
George H.W. Bush Endorsed attempts to bring democracy to South America Met with Nelson Mandela before he became leader in 1994 Operation Restore Hope 1992 – humanitarian mission to Somalia
George H.W. Bush Persian Gulf War August 1990 – Saddam Hussein orders Iraqi invasion of Kuwait Controlled over 20% of world oil production UN resolution for Iraq to leave Kuwait Operation Desert Storm began January 16, 1991 February 28, 1991 – Iraq agreed to cease-fire Increased Bush’s popularity
End of Cold War Mikhail Gorbachev – became president of Soviet Union in 1985 Glasnost – new openness Perestroika – reforms in Soviet Union November of 1989 – Berlin Wall comes down http://www.history.com/videos/deconstructing-history-berlin-wall Communists lost power in Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania and Yugoslavia by 1991 Russian Federation – in 1991 the Soviet Union dissolved into 15 independent republics