Information for New Students 2018-19 Master Degree Programme Mercati e Intermediari Finanziari Curriculum INTERNATIONAL FINANCE AND ECONOMICS Information for New Students 2018-19
Contents: Welcome…………………………………………………………………………..……………….…....3 Entry requirements……………………………………………..……………………………...…….….4 Things to do in your first few weeks………………..………………………………….……………...5 Enrollment procedure………………………………………………….………….……………….…...7 Paying tuition fees….……………………………………….…………..……………………………….9 Scholarships………………………………………………………………………………………….…..10 Accommodation………………….............................................................................................11 Italian language course…………………………………………………………….………….............12 Using libraries and computing facilities …………………………………………….……………….13 Student card……………………………………….………………………………………………………14 Student’s Canteen………………………......……………………………………………………………15 Stage…………………….………………………………………………………………….………………16 Contacts…………………………………………….………………………………………………….…..17
Welcome Welcome to the University of Macerata. We hope that your time here will be enjoyable, exciting and rewarding. The guide provides essential information you will need as a new student and will help you to make the most of your studies at the University of Macerata. We look forward to meeting you and wish you all the best with your studies.
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS You are qualified for admission to the Master’s degree in “International Finance and Economics” programme if, during the undergraduate degree program, you have obtained , the minimum average of credits in the following areas: 6 ECTS-points: Law 6 ECTS-points: Business management 6 ECTS- points: Economics 6 ECTS- points: Mathematichs Otherwise, you will be able to fulfil these entry requirements, once you arrive in Italy.
ELIGIBLE CANDIDATES AND REQUIREMENTS Admission to the 2nd level degree program in Mercati e Intermediari Finanziari, curriculum International Finance and Economics (IFE) is subject to the possession of a 1st cycle degree or equivalent bachelor achieved in legally recognized institutions, in Italy or abroad. The academic curriculum should be coherent with the learning objectives of the International Finance and Economics course. Candidates should also prove to possess knowledge of English language. Starting from a.y. 2018-2019, students who want to apply for the International Finance and Economics course and have a qualification issued by a non-Italian High School or University are required to apply through the following procedure: An academic committee will check your information and, in case of positive verdict, you will soon receive by e-mail a pre-admission letter in order to carry on the pre- enrollment procedure at the Italian Consulate in your country.
Non-european citizens resident abroad You will find rules and deadlines for admission here: Get in touch as soon as you can with the Italian embassy or consulate in your country in order to: Apply to the pre-enrollment procedure for University of Macerata, Laurea magistrale in Mercati e Intermediari Finanziari, curriculum International Finance and Economics, academic year 2018/19 Apply to get the “Dichiarazione di valore” Apply to get the Student Visa Once they have received the letter of acceptance, they can bring it to the Italian representative in their home-country in order to start the Visa procedure
ENROLLMENT PROCEDURE Pre-accepted candidates have to complete the enrollment procedure at the University of Macerata through the website: (English version available). As a new student, you have to complete the enrollment procedure at the University of Macerata through the website: (English version available). Candidates need to create their personal User ID and Password by clicking on Data entering (“Registrazione” in the Italian version). After your first access, you will be asked to change your password. Click the Login link and fill in the enrollment form (domanda di immatricolazione). Download and print the enrollment form, and then sign it. You need to print the MAV-form in order to pay the tuition fee (payment only accepted in Italian banks). The enrollment is completed when the following documents are received by the student secretariat - A signed copy of the enrollment form - The receipt of the payment (MAV-form) - 2 passport photo A copy of a valid identity document - a degree certificate with the transcript of records legalized and translated (in Italian) by the Italian representative of their home country - the “Dichiarazione di valore” issued by the Italian representative. - a copy of the residence permit (“permesso di soggiorno”) or the receipt confirming the application for the permit. You can bring documents personally to the student secretariat.
UPON ARRIVAL NON-EU STUDENTS If you are a NON-EU student, you must apply for an EU residence permit for study reasons within 8 days of your arrival in Italy. The procedure is available at students/erasmus-incoming-students/practical-information/police-registration Get the CODICE FISCALE - TAX CODE
Tuition fees Minimum tuiton fees for international students is 156 euros Maximun tuition fees for international students is 758 euros Students making an installment payment after the due date will be assessed the following late fees for each late payment: first month of delay: EUR 15.00 second month of delay: EUR 30.00 from the second month: EUR 50.00
Scholarships 1. ERSU Scholarship ERSU – Ente Regionale per il diritto allo Studio Universitario is the Regional Agency for the Right to Higher Education. It offers scholarships in order to allow economically disadvantaged but academically deserving students to study at Macerata University. Criteria and conditions of the selection process are published on ERSU website. For additional information, please email writing in the subject line "to the kind attention of dott.ssa Emanuela Emiliozzi". 2. INVEST YOUR TALENT Invest Your Talent in Italy offers you an opportunity to develop your skills through a range of Master’s and Postgraduate courses in English geared towards improving your academic, technical and professional skills. 3. The Italian Government scholarships are offered to foreign students and Italian citizens resident abroad (I.R.E.) who wish to study at Italian public Universities and Institutions of Higher Education or who take part in one Special Project. For more information, visit the following website:
ACCOMMODATION The easiest way to find a room in a private shared flat is to look at the notice boards of each Department, where you will find lots of advertisments of other students who are looking for flat mates, as well as flats to rent. Please visit the following website for more details: incoming-students/accommodation/private-flats If you wish to rent a room in a private shared flat, you could stay temporary at the Asilo Ricci hostel , Domus San Giulianoand/or Madison Village Residence and then move into the accommodation you choose.
ITALIAN LANGUAGE COURSES The Language Centre (CLA) of the University of Macerata offers international students Italian language courses at different levels in the first and second semester. Classes are offered exclusively to: foreign students enrolled at the University of Macerata (including Postgraduate students); incoming students under EU programmes (Erasmus + etc.); incoming foreign students under ministerial programmes and international cooperation agreements (Marco Polo, etc.); Please visit the following website for more details:
Using libraries and computing facilities The centre for library services (CASB), with its spacious and refurbished reading room offers a digital library, a didactic library, an interlibrary loan service and two IT laboratories with WI-FI connection. It is an excellent facility for research activities. In addition to CASB, every faculty is equipped with libraries and reading rooms. CASB home page maps of libraries at University of Macerata OPAC catalog
Student Card With your Student Card you will have student-exclusive discounts at many shops in Macerata. Please visit the following link for more details: libero/esercizi-commerciali Get the free Student Card at the Infomagiovani piazza V. Veneto, 2. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday: 02.30pm - 06.30pm, Wednesday: 10.00am-06.30pm, Friday: 09.00am-01.00pm.
Student’s Canteen ERSU (the Regional Agency for students services) runs two canteens where you can have a meal in a friendly atmosphere near the place where your courses are held. You will need to apply for a rechargeable card to make use of the canteens and pay for your meal. You can complete the online form available at the following link: le&id=219:domanda-online&catid=85:domanda-online&Itemid=532 Start by clicking on “new user registration” and create your Username and Password. After about three days from your on line request, you can go to the ERSU office (Via Piave, 35 - basement) to obtain your card and recharge it. Canteen 1: Town centre, - Vicolo Accorretti, 2 Macerata Canteen 2: Faculty of Education-Tourism, contrada Vallebona – Macerata Cost: € 5,50 for a complete meal and € 3,30 for a light meal
Front Office Stage Monday-Friday -10.00am - 12.00pm Here at the University of Macerata, Stage Office will help you to find out where to serve an internship. Please contact the staff at the following contact details: Front Office Stage Monday-Friday -10.00am - 12.00pm T. 0733-258.6046 fax 0733-258.6056
Contacts If you require further information, please contact us: E-mail: – Senior tutor Tuesday and Thursday - 09.30am - 12.30pm STUDENT SECRETARIAT Alberto Cicarè - 0733 258 2000 E-mail: /