writing the technical rules for global trade Speaker name Title Event Date Location
96% of electricity generation global reach 83 members 83 affiliates 98% of world population 96% of electricity generation The IEC family counts 166 countries – 83 Members and 83 Affiliates. Together they represent 98% of the world’s population and 96% of its electricity generation. Most countries in the world accept products that are built and tested according to IEC International Standards.
There are many reasons why International Standards are now growing in importance. One of them is that economies are increasingly interdependent. Any country that wants to export must also be able to import standardized parts and components. Today electrical and electronic goods represent the large majority of global trade after raw energy. Most of them rely on IEC International Standards. Products that are consumed in one market now often transition through many countries. They are no longer “made in a country”; they are “made in the world”. Raw materials, components and parts have to be exported, imported, and re-exported multiple times to different countries before the final product is assembled somewhere and then shipped to the end-user who can be anywhere in the world. Only when they apply globally harmonized rules can countries and industries efficiently participate in these global value chains. And this is true for developed and developing countries alike. That’s why industry and governments are looking to the IEC for International Standards for electric and electronic goods. made in the world
Globally leading multinationals, thousands of big and small companies as well as representatives from the public sector and testing laboratories actively participate in IEC work via their National Committee. These companies understand that active participation allows them to shape the rules their industry will work with in the future. Generally all of them participate in IEC work in every area that impacts their products. They know that this is the only way to retain the ability to compete and not leave decisions that impact the bottom line to competition. So why is it that there are still companies who don’t participate in standardization or actually believe that it is a waste of time and money?
directly linked Today, any purchase or sale relies on a demonstration of compliance. Any business leader knows that to sell a product in the market place, it must satisfy national regulations and buyers specifications. What these business leaders generally don’t know is that standards are fundamental to this process. A large majority of them don’t have a technical background and they have never heard about the strategic business advantages of active participation in standardization. That’s why standards are not on their radar screen.
anticipate Companies or organizations who participate in the IEC know that they are able to influence the content of Standards; anticipate new Standards and gain early access to technical or business information. Additionally, when regulators put in place a new technical rule they will frequently refer to IEC International Standards. If a company has been actively involved in the development of that International Standard its products will likely comply from the start. The company will avoid the often high costs that result from the need to undertake product modifications due to new regulatory requirements.
The standards development process is often the only place where sometimes fierce competitors sit down to discuss solutions to common problems. That’s also where potential customer organizations, public representatives and testing labs share their views and needs, providing valuable insights for those who know how to spot them. Smart companies are able to use this information to develop innovative solutions and to identify new potential markets early on. expand markets
innovate Through active participation in IEC work, companies are able to ensure that measurement and rating methodologies in International Standards take into account their individual technology solution. That way companies are able to measure the value of new innovations. More often than not, companies find that they are able to leap over development hurdles because in the standardization process they learn from mistakes others have made before them. It also allows them to improve overall quality and to lift the corporate quality and safety perception in the market place. Testing and certification as well as later marketing and sales are facilitated. Last but not least this makes it easier for buyers to directly compare the factual performance of competitive products.
Active participation in IEC work allows big and small companies to better understand conformity assessment requirements. It makes it easier for them to fulfil market needs and allows them to sell to more markets faster and more efficiently.
where SMEs can be big Sometimes small companies are very big in their market segment. SMEs who participate actively in IEC work are able to defend their position and interests in the face of very large multinationals. These interactions are peaceful and result in an overall better and more broadly relevant International Standard, and it allows SMEs to sell to many more markets.
finding answers Active participation in the IEC allows companies and other stakeholders to access a global think-tank of often world renowned experts at very little cost. During networking breaks participating experts can bounce off ideas with peers and see how others have dealt with similar challenges. The cooperation and exchanges between experts from many different backgrounds also ensures that solutions take into account the bandwidth of needs so that the resulting International Standard is can be widely adopted.
return on investment When experts participate in the standardization process, they are able to ensure that all relevant technologies are taken into account. Standards identify market differences which can then be built into a product at the development stage or streamlined at production. This helps to limit or group market variations that are otherwise costly and would reduce a company’s commercial flexibility. All of the above allows to lower the cost of business through the elimination of duplication and of waste in terms of time and money.
encourage active participation and adoption The standards development process must be a joint effort; companies who don’t participate have it harder to make their voice heard. A Standard that has been developed by many is more relevant as it takes into account many different viewpoints. If all countries who are interested in a technology area send the right experts then the Standards become more applicable for the whole industry. encourage active participation and adoption
career impact Participating in IEC work not only benefits the company or organization it also positively impacts the experts own career. A survey among 106 experts from 13 countries and many different industries and organizations found that participants gain a better understanding of standardization, industry trends, best practices and increase their know-how and expertise. They also gain a global perspective of the challenges and opportunities their industry faces. Through active participation experts understand better how to apply an IEC International Standard back home and what to expect during certification. All of this benefits product development, commercialization and adoption. Standardization work provides continued education in engineering principles and safety applications. It is a place where experts learn conflict management and negotiation and how to get heard by their peers. Last but not least, it is an incredible networking platform that allows experts to expand their professional contacts. More often than not we see experts become lifelong friends. Indirectly this benefits the business network of a company.
strategically important When companies don’t participate in standardization work they often miss out on significant strategic advantages that can directly impact their long-term ability to compete and sometimes their survival. Leaders who understand these advantages, take control and don’t leave decisions that will affect their business to others.
selecting the right experts To effectively influence standardization work, it is important to send the right experts; those who are well aware of the company’s long term strategy AND have the right technical expertise. When experts don’t have the right qualifications or strategic insights they will not be able to walk the talk. I hope this little overview gives you a lot of ammunition to explain the advantages of active participation in IEC work to your stakeholders. selecting the right experts
Writing the technical rules for global trade I hope this little overview gives you a lot of ammunition to explain the advantages of active participation in IEC work to your stakeholders. Thank you for your attention. INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION