Welcome to today’s Enriching Experiences icebreaker Welcome to today’s Enriching Experiences icebreaker. We’re going to take a few minutes to learn a little more about each other and a little more about one of the Enriching Experiences that you may have heard about as part of the UTEP Edge.
First Year Experience: Definition Experiences uniquely designed to support your transition during the first couple of semesters to UTEP Today we’re going to talk about First Year Experiences. When I say “First Year Experience” as an Enriching or High Impact Experience – what do you think of? That’s right, pretty straight forward – a first year experience is something you experience in your first year. In this case, we mean it to be something intentional – a program or an orientation that UTEP has specifically designed to help you transition into UTEP. We usually think of first year experiences for freshmen but they can be for transfer students, graduate students, faculty, or staff. They are activities specifically designed to help new Miners transition successfully into UTEP. [When you click again, the definition will appear.] What are some of the things you have done so far in your First Year Experience? [Looking for answers such as New Student Orientation, UNIV/BUSN, ENGR, SCI 1301, Miner Welcome, Minerpalooza, UTEP Prep, SSSP, GEAR UP, etc.] How have they helped your transition to UTEP? [Looking for answers such as helped me learn my way around, learned what to expect in classes, met people, etc.] Why do you think UTEP would specifically design programs for first year students? [Looking for answers such as to help new students feel comfortable, learn where to ask questions, be successful their first semester, like UTEP, etc.]
Define First Year Experience Today’s objectives: Define First Year Experience Connect your talents to First Year Experience for Lifelong Success Find First Year Experience opportunities for you at UTEP Here’s what we want to accomplish in the next few minutes. Will you read the first one? Thanks. We’ve done that – defined First Year Experiences. Will you read the second one? Thanks. So, start thinking about your talents, your strengths, your skills and how they contribute to you finding and learning from first year experiences then how they will contribute to your lifelong success. And, will you read number 3 for us? Thanks. So, we’ll finish up with finding some first year experiences around UTEP that you can join.
First Year Experience: Activity Get in groups of four. Each person think of four things: One thing you were most concerned about before coming to UTEP The best thing that you’ve done or learned about UTEP The most surprising thing at UTEP One Question you still have about something at UTEP In your fours, share your four responses and try to answer each others’ questions. OK, now for today’s activity. [Paraphrase the slide instructions.] [Give everyone a minute to get into groups of four.] Come up with your answers about things you were most concerned thing, best thing, and most surprising thing and share in your group. Then, what are your questions? If someone else in the group doesn’t know the answer, get out your phones and see if you can find the answer. How was that? Let’s hear something from each group? What was the best thing you’ve done or learned about UTEP so far?
Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience. Paulo Coelho First Year Experience Talk with your instructor, academic advisor, or campus employer about ideas for this experience. Join a club or organization to meet people and experience new opportunities Attend events on campus such as athletics, performances, lectures to experience all the things UTEP has to offer. Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience. Paulo Coelho So, that’s an introduction to First Year Experience at UTEP. There are many ways to get involved in our UTEP community in your first year that will contribute to your success here over the next several years. Thanks.