Results of IODE Ocean Data Portal project for 2013-2018 Dr Sergey Belov, et al. Partnership Centre for the IODE Ocean Data Portal Review of the Ocean Data Portal (ODP) Partnership Centre (10-13 September, Obninsk, Russian Federation)
Table of contents History of the IODE ODP project Structural elements of the IODE ODP Project progress report for 2013-2018 Review of the Ocean Data Portal (ODP) Partnership Centre (10-13 September, Obninsk, Russian Federation)
1. History. Phase 1 –Concept 2003 Draft version of the “end-to-end data management” concept presented at the First Session of the JCOMM ETDMP (Expert Team on Data Management Practices) session by Nikolay Mikhaylov. Review of the Ocean Data Portal (ODP) Partnership Centre (10-13 September, Obninsk, Russian Federation)
1. History. Phase 2 - Inception 2004 Adoption of the “E2EDM” concept and work plan on prototype by the JCOMM ETDMP First technical specification on the E2EDM technology and alpha-version of the E2EDM software (Data Provider, Integration Server). The E2EDM technology web site has been launched. Review of the Ocean Data Portal (ODP) Partnership Centre (10-13 September, Obninsk, Russian Federation)
1. History. Phase 3 - Establishment 2005 Data centres were connected: Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ, Belgium) National Oceanographic Data Center (RIHMI-WDC, Russia) Ifremer (France) Met Office (UK) Datasets: Research vessels data, real-time GTS data, Argo, voluntary ships First version of the portal user interface was created Prototype was demonstrated on the 18th Session of the IOC Committee on IODE and IOC/WMO JCOMM-II session. Review of the Ocean Data Portal (ODP) Partnership Centre (10-13 September, Obninsk, Russian Federation)
1. History. Phase 4 - Transformation 2006 -2007 Collaboration between the IODE E2EDM and WIS has been established. The IODE E2EDM became a WIS Data Collection or Production Centres (DCPC) The E2EDM data sources were expanded to provide functions for Marine warning system support (E2EDM Marine Warning System) Demonstration on the 19th Session of the IOC Committee on IODE The E2EDM adopted as a core technology for the IODE Ocean Data Portal project Review of the Ocean Data Portal (ODP) Partnership Centre (10-13 September, Obninsk, Russian Federation)
1. History. IODE Ocean Data Portal project The OceanDataPortal was formally established at IODE-XIX through Recommendation IODE-XIX.4 (THE IODE OCEAN DATA PORTAL PROJECT) (2007). Terms of references: Facilitate and promote the exchange and dissemination of marine data and services hosted by NODCs; Provide the seamless access to marine data to NODCs across the IODE network through the discovery, evaluation and access to data via web services; Identify and recommend standards to provide interoperability with IODE data centres to allow shared use of metadata, data and products. Review of the Ocean Data Portal (ODP) Partnership Centre (10-13 September, Obninsk, Russian Federation)
1. History. ODP Implementation & Architecture OCEAN DATA PORTAL V1 2007 -2009 Based on the technical specifications and software of the E2EDM technology OCEAN DATA PORTAL V2 2009 -2012 ODP V2 is aimed to withdraw from standalone web-services, to implement and standardize methods and means of interface interaction. Review of the Ocean Data Portal (ODP) Partnership Centre (10-13 September, Obninsk, Russian Federation) 8 8
Core principles Interoperability Ocean Data Portal (ODP) should be interoperable with existing systems Non-intervention ODP should not obligate to change NODCs legacy systems (structures, formats, etc.) Data and services available free and without registration According to the IOC Data Exchange Policy Review of the Ocean Data Portal (ODP) Partnership Centre (10-13 September, Obninsk, Russian Federation)
2. Structural elements of the IODE Ocean Data Portal According to the Recommendation IODE-XXII.8 the structural elements of the IODE Ocean Data Portal are as follows: ODP global node ODP regional/specialized nodes (ODINs centres, GDACs and centres of JCOMM and centres of other IOC/IODE programmes and projects) ODP national node (NODCs) Review of the Ocean Data Portal (ODP) Partnership Centre (10-13 September, Obninsk, Russian Federation)
2. Structural elements of the IODE Ocean Data Portal. ODP global node Coordinate the IODE distributed data system including the monitoring of performance, system statistics and reporting; Manage consolidated metadata catalogues (nodes, data and services, user metadata) by accumulating metadata from associated data providers (national nodes) and synchronizing of this metadata with other nodes; Manage and disseminate among other nodes the common controlled dictionaries, basic electronic maps and other cross-system data and metadata; Provide the user access to data and services submitted by all ODP nodes. If required, it redirects users to the portal of other nodes; The ODP Global node operates at the Partnership Centre for IODE ODP and main task is the coordination of the operation of the IODE marine distributed data and information system including the monitoring the system performance, dissemination of system statistics and reports Review of the Ocean Data Portal (ODP) Partnership Centre (10-13 September, Obninsk, Russian Federation)
2. Structural elements of the IODE Ocean Data Portal 2. Structural elements of the IODE Ocean Data Portal. ODP regional/specialized node ODP regional/specialized nodes Coordinate the IODE distributed data system including associated data providers of its area of responsibility; Manage the metadata catalogues of its area of responsibility and synchronize this metadata with other nodes; Provide access to the IODE distributed data system of its area of responsibility and redirects users to the portal of other nodes, if required. Role of the ODP Regional and Specialized nodes is to integrate the regional (based on IODE ODIN) and other IOC regional programmes or specific programme (JCOMM and etc.) managing segments of the distributed marine data system in interconnection with national (thematic) nodes of responsibility area. Review of the Ocean Data Portal (ODP) Partnership Centre (10-13 September, Obninsk, Russian Federation)
2. Structural elements of the IODE Ocean Data Portal 2. Structural elements of the IODE Ocean Data Portal. ODP regional/specialized node ODP national node (NODCs) Submit metadata and data sets to IODE distributed data system for shared use. Undergo an accreditation procedure, based upon the IODE Quality Management Framework. Be reviewed periodically by the IODE Steering Group for the IODE Ocean Data Portal and the IODE Steering Group for the Quality Management Framework ODP National node functions are provided by IODE NODCs as well as other centres that feed data and services collected/generated in the country or programme into the distributed data system via a global or regional/specialize nodes. Review of the Ocean Data Portal (ODP) Partnership Centre (10-13 September, Obninsk, Russian Federation)
3. Project progress report for 2013-2018 ODP nodes established: ODP global node - RIHMI-WDC ( ODP regional/specialized nodes – ODINWESTPAC (, ODINAFRICA(, Sistema Nacional Datos del Mar (Argentina) ( ODP national nodes – NODC (Russia), NODC (USA)*, NODC (Canada)*, NODC (Japan), NODC (China), NODC (Kenya), NODC (Korea)*, 9 data centres (Argentina), NODC (UK) ODP National node functions are provided by IODE NODCs as well as other centres that feed data and services collected/generated in the country or programme into the distributed data system via a global or regional/specialize nodes. * - using virtual Data Provider Review of the Ocean Data Portal (ODP) Partnership Centre (10-13 September, Obninsk, Russian Federation)
3. Project progress report for 2013-2018 Data contributions: ODP global node – 366 data sets (near real-time, historical) ODP ODINAFRICA node – 272 data sets (historical) ODP ODINWESTPAC node – 7 data sets (historical) ODP SNDM – 91 data sets (near real-time, historical) Total: 736 data sets ODP National node functions are provided by IODE NODCs as well as other centres that feed data and services collected/generated in the country or programme into the distributed data system via a global or regional/specialize nodes. * - using virtual Data Provider Review of the Ocean Data Portal (ODP) Partnership Centre (10-13 September, Obninsk, Russian Federation)
3. Project progress report for 2013-2018 Data provision: 15 data sets to EMODNet Physics on regular basis (delivery on FTP) Data search, retrieval and subscription services - 50 OGC WMS/WFS/WCS Services - Metadata catalogue - ODP National node functions are provided by IODE NODCs as well as other centres that feed data and services collected/generated in the country or programme into the distributed data system via a global or regional/specialize nodes. * - using virtual Data Provider Review of the Ocean Data Portal (ODP) Partnership Centre (10-13 September, Obninsk, Russian Federation)
3. Project progress report for 2013-2018 Technology and support ODP V2 toolkit - plug-and-play base back-office software stack supports the deployment of ODP nodes via virtual machine packages maintained by the ODP Partnership Centre. Includes 9 components from Data Provider to Portal. Available on request (individual customization). Full set of documentation on ODP V2 is available - Public REST & SOAP services available for metadata & data retrieval Support to node providers has been improved through bug tracking and management tools accessible to both the ODP technical team and technical staff operating the nodes. ODP National node functions are provided by IODE NODCs as well as other centres that feed data and services collected/generated in the country or programme into the distributed data system via a global or regional/specialize nodes. * - using virtual Data Provider Review of the Ocean Data Portal (ODP) Partnership Centre (10-13 September, Obninsk, Russian Federation)
3. Project progress report for 2013-2018 Technology and support Online monitoring system Bug-tracking and project management system Source code repository (GIT) Sandbox for testing and evaluation Regular software updates High-Availability cluster model for ODP global node Web presence ( ODP National node functions are provided by IODE NODCs as well as other centres that feed data and services collected/generated in the country or programme into the distributed data system via a global or regional/specialize nodes. * - using virtual Data Provider Review of the Ocean Data Portal (ODP) Partnership Centre (10-13 September, Obninsk, Russian Federation)
3. Project progress report for 2013-2018 Collaboration with other programmes and activities: EMODNET (active) Collaboration has been initiated through the EMODNet Physics team in order to foster closer collaboration by leveraging the EMODNet Physics portal technologies and to refocus some Ocean Data Portal efforts towards data access and less towards portal development. The options of supporting EMODNet have been presented in whitepaper “IODE Ocean Data Portal – Current status and future direction” has been presented and discussed during IODE Officers Meeting in January 2016 ODP National node functions are provided by IODE NODCs as well as other centres that feed data and services collected/generated in the country or programme into the distributed data system via a global or regional/specialize nodes. * - using virtual Data Provider Review of the Ocean Data Portal (ODP) Partnership Centre (10-13 September, Obninsk, Russian Federation)
3. Project progress report for 2013-2018 Collaboration with other programmes and activities: GEO/GEOSS (ongoing) ODP contributes to GEOSS catalogue WIS (active) IODE ODP is active JCOMM DCPC for Oceanography registered in WIS database and available via GISC Moscow Collaboration will be continued through the results of the activities of the JCOMM IPET-MOIS (ex. TT-MOWIS) ODP National node functions are provided by IODE NODCs as well as other centres that feed data and services collected/generated in the country or programme into the distributed data system via a global or regional/specialize nodes. * - using virtual Data Provider Review of the Ocean Data Portal (ODP) Partnership Centre (10-13 September, Obninsk, Russian Federation)
3. Project progress report for 2013-2018 Collaboration with other programmes and activities: ODIP (project ended) ODIP Prototype Project 1: Establishing interoperability between SeaDataNet CDI, US NODC, and IMOS MCP Data Discovery and Access services, making use of a brokerage service, towards interacting with the IODE-ODP and GEOSS portals As a participant in this prototype development, the IODE ODP is harvesting metadata from GEO-DAB using OAI-PMH: SeaDataNet – 513 records; US NODC – 29817 records; AODN – 128 records And providing access to metadata and data via ODP National node functions are provided by IODE NODCs as well as other centres that feed data and services collected/generated in the country or programme into the distributed data system via a global or regional/specialize nodes. * - using virtual Data Provider Review of the Ocean Data Portal (ODP) Partnership Centre (10-13 September, Obninsk, Russian Federation)
3. Project progress report for 2013-2018 Capacity activities TRAINING COURSE ON ESTABLISHMENT OF THE OCEAN DATA PORTAL REGIONAL NODE AND DATA NETWORK FOR SNDM-ARGENTINA (7 – 11 October 2013, Buenos Aires, Argentina) TRAINING COURSE ON ESTABLISHMENT OF THE OCEAN DATA PORTAL DATA NETWORK FOR Southeast Pacific data and Information Network in support to Integrated Coastal Area Management (SPINCAM) (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 15 – 16 October 2013) ODINAFRICA Ocean Data Portal training-of-trainers course (16 – 21 December 2013, Oostende, Belgium) ODINAFRICA Training Course of Ocean Data Portal (10-14 March 2014, Oostende, Belgium) – coordination by WebEx ODINWESTPAC Ocean Data Portal training course (21 – 25 April 2014, Tianjin, China) Latest training materials (videos + presentrations) are published in IODE OceanTeacher ODP National node functions are provided by IODE NODCs as well as other centres that feed data and services collected/generated in the country or programme into the distributed data system via a global or regional/specialize nodes. * - using virtual Data Provider Review of the Ocean Data Portal (ODP) Partnership Centre (10-13 September, Obninsk, Russian Federation)
Questions? Review of the Ocean Data Portal (ODP) Partnership Centre (10-13 September, Obninsk, Russian Federation)