measuring the blue economy


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Presentation transcript:

measuring the blue economy Working Group on regional, urban and rural development statistics Luxembourg, 17 October 2016

> 5 million jobs shipbuilding non-living resources shipping coastal tourism

United States European Union comparison with US living resources ship and boat building shipbuilding offshore mineral resources non-living resources marine transportation shipping marine construction (included under shipping) tourism and recreation coastal tourism You can see that our categories map quite well onto those used in the United States Although we calculate each one differently and our total comes out higher than theirs

Eurostat structural business statistics and indirect employment Eurostat structural business statistics and supply and use tables employment in enterprises providing goods and services to primary activities in each Member State The main difference with theirs is our estimate of "indirect employment" These are enterprises that are not full maritime but that provide goods and services to the maritime industry For instance insurance, legal services, marine equipment, We can use input-output or supply-and-use tables These tell us what one company buys from another

wind energy jobs offshore wind now employs about half the number as are fishing

coastal tourism defined as spending by tourists in coastal municipalities The official definition enshrined in EU legislation is that coastal tourism is that taking place in coastal municipalities. These are the blue areas shown in the map The green areas are "coastal regions" used in other definitions of the maritime economy but not here This includes towns. Countries may choose to omit big towns from the coastal data that they send to Eurostat. I believe that the Netherlands omit Amsterdam.

comparison between surveys of tourists and hotels nights spent

comparison structural business statistics spending on paid accommodation

coastal tourism

fish processing Spain France Portugal UK

Fisheries and aquaculture Spain France Ireland Portugal UK

accident reports (UK)



Exports marime navigation equipment

conclusions We use Lesson learned Wish list Structural business statistics, prodcom, tourism statistics, labour force survey, energy production, input-output tables Lesson learned If you can't get data from Eurostat, you are unlikely to get comparable data elsewhere Wish list tourism statistics – separation coastal rural and coastal urban Energy production (oil, wind) - separation of offshore ODBC connections to database 3-digit codes for input-output tables