Longhorn Boy’s Golf Website Twitter: @GolfLambert Lambert High School Longhorn Boy’s Golf Website Twitter: @GolfLambert January 24, 2017
Tryouts NEED A PHYSICAL Phase I – February 12 & 13 Phase II – February 14 & 21-22 Laurel Springs starting at 3:00pm Details are laid out on the tryout handout
1 Program…2 Levels Program Structure Coaching Staff: Coach Youngblood, Coach Patterson will work with everyone and be try to be at all events together. Consistency & Unity are very important! Varsity will have Seniors through Freshman and be 6-8 golfers. JV will have Juniors through Freshman and also be 6-8 golfers. Players can move up or down at any time depending needs & performance
Practice Structure At Laurel Springs on M, T, and W if there is no tournament or match scheduled. 4:15-6:30ish We will have days where we play 9 holes (for qualifying purposes or practice) and sometimes we will spend our time on the driving range and chipping and putting greens doing various drills. If V has a tournament or match on M, T, or W then there will not be *official* practice for JV & visa- versa. The boys mostly all have access to a place to practice on there own, if the above is the case.
Schedules The GHSA regulates the schedule based on play-dates. Any event day is considered a play date; with the exception of a 9-hole match before April 1. Those matches count as a ½ of a play date. This year Varsity has 9 tournaments and is using all 12 allowable play-dates because 3 of those tournaments are 2-day (36-hole events). The JV team is playing in 7 tournaments. This puts us at maximum of 8 play dates because 1 of those tournaments is a 2-day tournament. The actual schedule is on the website with dates for you to mark down.
Postseason Schedule New GHSA format for golf has changed post-season for the Varsity team. No Region Tournament or Sectionals as in the past. Our Region [5AAAAAAA] made up of Us, South, West, North, Central and Milton will compete with Region 4AAAAAAA (Cherokee, Etowah, Lassiter, Woodstock, Walton and Roswell) in an Area tournament at the end of April. The top 5 teams from the area tournament make it to State Tournament. The State Tournament will be a 36-hole event in the middle of May at Sunset Country Club (Moultrie, GA).
Expectations Golfers must be present for at least 80% of all events (practices, matches, tournaments, etc.) to play in the area/state tournaments & to have the opportunity to earn a Varsity letter. Earning a Varsity letter requires having participated in at least half of the Varsity tournaments, or having your score count in at least 2 Varsity tournaments. No school = no play (coaches’ discretion) No practice = no play (coaches’ discretion) Must demonstrate course etiquette at ALL times Any cheating at any school or personal golf event will result in immediate/indefinite suspension or removal from the Lambert Golf Program at the coaches’/AD’s discretion
Expectations Cont. Golfers MUST behave in a first class manner at ALL times on the course, school and in public. Consequences will be determined based on the situation. Alcohol and tobacco products are not allowed at the school or school events. That carries over to golf events. If any golfer is caught using alcohol or tobacco products it is an immediate and indefinite suspension from all golf activities (coaches and administrators will decide if the golfer will be allowed back on the team).
Player Fees The fee to play golf this year is $700 (less any credit the player earns toward his dues through the fundraiser opportunities). The fees are DUE on Feb. 23rd. Checks can be made out to Lambert High School Boys Golf. The player fees covers: Apparel (2 polos, pullover and hat) Varsity and JV tournament entrance fees End of Year banquet awards and food Travel expenses (if needed) Practice rounds (if needed) *At any time I will show the budget with you*
Fundraising Opportunities We will run four fundraisers this year. Each of them will be an opportunity to earn money and decrease the amount of dues. OurFund – online fundraising company that sends emails to family & friends (good for out of town folks) and asks for support financially for the golf program. You will earn 100% credit off your player fee. This will run until 2/21. *Example: If you enter 20 folks’ emails and 10 donate an average of $10 each you will have $100 off player fees. Golf Raffle – tickets will be sold starting 2/2 – 2/16. Each ticket costs $5 and you earn 100% profit on the raffle tickets. *Example: if you sell 50 raffle tickets * $5 = $250 off player fees.
Fundraising Opportunities Discount Card – We are again working with the same group that helped us with the cup sale last year. This year we are selling a local discount card. This is more of team FR. I am trying to get a team set of rain gear. Each card is $25 and we get $15 of profit. You will get $5 toward player fees and the Program will get $10. I am asking each player to sell 10. This starts tomorrow (4-5pm) in Media Center and runs through 2/2 with a Blitz Day Saturday, 1/27. If you sell your 10 then you have $50 off your player fee. Lambert Longhorn Invitational – Hole Sponsor signs $100. Printing will be $10, so the remaining $90 will be split between the seller and the team ($45 each) *According to the following examples you would only have to pay $255 on the player fee due date.
Help Needed Lambert Longhorn Invitational on March 26th more info to come out later. Transportation Organizer for JV & V teams (to make sure that all the boys have rides to and from events) Website editor (we have a domain and need to create a high quality website to showcase Lambert Boy’s Golf for colleges and fans) Photographer Planning and coordinating end of season banquet
Communication Players: Tryouts, team concerns, absences ... Parents: Discipline, school, college, medical, program ideas Head Coach: Brooks Youngblood Cell: (678)982-4803 School: (678)965-5050 x 412303 byoungblood@forsyth.k12.ga.us THANKS FOR COMING!!!