The Department of Human Services’ (DHS) five-year housing strategy is a comprehensive plan to connect Pennsylvanians to affordable, integrated, accessible, and supportive housing. DHS will leverage internal and external resources and collaborate with all levels of government and private agencies to make housing resources and services more accessible and available to a wide range of individuals served by DHS. 11/9/2018
Supporting Pennsylvanians Through Housing 11/9/2018
Supporting Pennsylvanians Through Housing 11/9/2018
Supporting Pennsylvanians Through Housing 11/9/2018
Supporting Pennsylvanians Through Housing STRATEGY NO. 1: CONNECT PEOPLE TO HOUSING GOAL NO. 1: Build better local and state housing partnerships. GOAL NO. 2: Provide IT tools to the Local Referral Network to better connect individuals and families to housing. GOAL NO. 3: Expand the Section 811 Project Rental Assistance Program in partnership with PHFA. LRN HSW State and Federal Partners RHC program expansion Educational Materials IT Enhancement Related to goal 3, in 2016, 811 program expansion: There are 338 on the waitlist, 310 committed units, and 63 have been utilized (not all units are immediately available). 11/9/2018
Supporting Pennsylvanians Through Housing STRATEGY NO. 2: STRENGTHEN SERVICES AND SUPPORTS THAT ADDRESS HOUSING NEEDS. GOAL NO. 1: Maximize Medicaid funding for housing-related services and supports. GOAL NO. 2: Increase housing opportunities and services for individuals in the criminal justice system with mental illness and substance use disorder. Two perspectives: Billable Services: ODP, OLTL & OMHSAS Education: ODP, OMAP & OIM Justice Involved 11/9/2018
Supporting Pennsylvanians Through Housing STRATEGY NO. 3: EXPAND FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES FOR HOUSING. GOAL NO. 1: Develop public and private partnerships. GOAL NO. 2: Target existing DHS resources for housing programs. GOAL NO. 3: Redirect existing homeless and housing services resources toward housing; partner with DCED, PHFA and the Homeless Continua of Care. MCO investment – all three HealthChoices Philanthropic investment on the rise Innovative Strategy: Pennsylvania has over 50 Fairweather lodges, several for Veterans, in various stages of development and operation. Lodges are a psychosocial rehabilitation model in which residents live together and work in a business together that provides income. Related to goal 2, in 2016, TANF dollars were targeted for a Rapid Re-housing demonstration. 50 families experiencing homelessness were housed through a partnership with the Philadelphia Office of Homeless Services. Across DHS, nearly 80 million dollars in housing and housing related services supported Pennsylvanians to transition back to their community, maintain their own homes and obtain critical services. 11/9/2018
Supporting Pennsylvanians Through Housing STRATEGY NO. 4: MEASURE AND COMMUNICATE PROGRESS GOAL NO. 1: Track metrics and measure outcomes. GOAL NO. 2: Continually improve DHS programs. GOAL NO. 3: Communicate the progress of the DHS Housing Strategy to stakeholders and advocates. . Point in Time Surveys for homeless programs Philadelphia Reserve Bank Complete and release Permanent Supportive Housing Need Analysis Medicaid / Permanent Supportive Housing Data Match Medical Economist information RHC Housing Summit 11/9/2018
Supporting Pennsylvanians Through Housing Accomplishments: Formed Housing Stakeholder Workgroup to regularly collect local input and feedback. Housed 150 households through Section 811 Project Rental Assistance Rapidly Re-housed 50 TANF eligible families experiencing homelessness in Philadelphia Sought and received approval for MA Housing Services for ODP and OLTL Completed the data use agreements to conduct an HMIS/Medicaid Data Match to measure the health benefits of Permanent Supportive Housing Published a Housing Quick Reference Guide 11/9/2018
Supporting Pennsylvanians Through Housing Looking forward: The implementation of Medicaid supported housing services within the Consolidated, Person/Family Directed Supports, Community Living, and Community HealthChoices Waivers Training for professionals on topics like navigating affordable housing or fair housing discrimination Publishing housing education and outreach materials for consumers and providers Launching the Community HealthChoices Managed Care Organizations’ innovative housing efforts 11/9/2018
Supporting Pennsylvanians Through Housing In summary, the 2018 update contains four strategies that guide our efforts: Pipeline Services Production Metrics 11/9/2018
Supporting Pennsylvanians Through Housing Resources: DHS HealthChoices DHS Waivers CMCS Housing Services Informational Bulletin PHFA’s Online Rental & Homeownership Search Tool Supporting Pennsylvanians Through Housing 11/9/2018
Supporting Pennsylvanians Through Housing To read the DHS Five Year Housing Strategy, please visit: Supporting Pennsylvanians Through Housing 11/9/2018
Supporting Pennsylvanians Through Housing For more information or to get involved, please contact: Ben Laudermilch, Executive Housing Director 717-409-3653 | Beth Ellis, Executive Housing Specialist 717-909-2006 | 11/9/2018