The Story
The Lord by His Spirit brought Ezekiel into a valley that was full of very dry bones. He walked the prophet through this valley and asked him whether these bones could live. Ezekiel of course saw a situation that was beyond human intervention. God now commanded Ezekiel to prophesy to these bones that they may live. He did as he was commanded and a movement began. A sound was heard and the bones came together. Sinews and flesh and skin came upon these bones. The valley was full of dead bodies.
Then Lord commanded Ezekiel to prophesy to the wind and the breath of God from the four corners of the earth. The wind moved and the breath [spirit] filled these bodies, and they became alive, standing up a great army ready to advance. This is the miracle that happened in the valley. God was speaking to the children of Israel who had said that they were cut off, dead and their hope had dried up. They were confined and locked in the graves of hope unrealized and unfulfilled. Now God was giving them a new word, a prophetic word, a resurrection word, a liberating word that would change them forever.
This is the word for this season This is the word for this season. This is the year of LORD’S BREAKTHROUGH REALITIES. This is the time to experience change, recovery, restoration and transformation.
The Word
Ezekiel 37:1-14—Read this passage. It is the key to our theme this year. II Samuel 5:19-20—This is another passage that is key. Meditate on it. Joshua 1:1-9—Preparing for breakthrough realities. Matt 17:1-21—Jesus Christ transfigured and resurrected is the source of our breakthrough realities. Zech 4:6—The Holy Spirit is the Life-Giver and the One who makes our breakthroughs a reality.
The Declaration
We decree and declare that our breakthrough realities season is here and now in the name of Jesus Christ. We decree and declare that we shall heed the word of the Lord to prophesy to the situations of our lives that look dead and like dry bones. We decree and declare that God is Lord over all and that He will receive glory in bringing the bones into life and vibrancy. We decree and declare that our hope is not lost. We shall live and declare the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
We decree and declare that our victory is here and now We decree and declare that our victory is here and now. The LORD is our Baal Perazim, the Master and Lord of breakthroughs. He is like waters that have burst their banks and moving forth in strength and power. We decree and declare that what eye has not seen, or ear heard, or heart conceived, the Lord has revealed to us by His Spirit. We decree and declare that this year is captured of the Lord. We inherit every good blessing that is ours this year. We shall walk each day of this year with our heads held high.
The Reflection
The Lord has shown in His word that the He wants to move in fourteen waves of breakthrough this year. We must prophesy into our earth-realm these truths and realities of heaven to take place. We are not called to predict, but to prophesy to these bones that they may live. As we do, we shall see the manifestations of these Kingdom realities come to pass
The reality of salvation in uncommon places. [Acts 2:40-41] The reality of the release of the healing anointing. [Acts 10:38] The reality of open doors to effective service. [Rev 3:7-8] The reality of unexpected promotions and divine prosperity. [Isa 61:6-7] The reality of victory over long-standing battles of the past. [II Sam 5:19-20]
The reality of a generous and a giving spirit among God’s people The reality of a generous and a giving spirit among God’s people. [Exod 36:3-7] The reality of the manifestation and use of spiritual gifts. [Acts 2:17-18] The reality of new opportunities of outreach. [Acts 16:6-10] The reality of family restoration and recovery at multiple fronts. [Joel 2:25-27]
The reality of angelic visitation, intervention and deliverance The reality of angelic visitation, intervention and deliverance. [Dan 6:22] The reality of the spirit of wisdom and revelation of God’s word. [Eph 1:17-18] The reality of unprecedented provision and supply from the LORD. [Joel 2:23-24] The reality of turning-point testimonies from many. [Ezek 37:13-14] The reality of astounding favor that will result in the fear of the Lord. [Esther 6:7-10]
The Prayer
Heavenly Father, this is indeed the year of the Lord’s breakthrough realities. Help us to see this reality through the spirit of wisdom and revelation. Touch us anew. You have promised that you are doing a new thing. We receive it. Breakthroughs are ours in the name of Jesus Christ. The realities of the Kingdom are ours to experience in our earthly walk. We give glory and honor to you. Use us to do exploits for the Kingdom. Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. It is not by power or by might, but by your Spirit. We shall arise and shine in this season.
Note: You can purchase your copy of theme vision book THE YEAR OF THE LORD’S BREAKTHROUGH REALITIES 2014 @ Parklands Baptist Church if you are in Nairobi. Each costs Ksh 300/-. [Three hundred only]. Call Naomi on 0729155549. Bless you.