Political Development in the Early Republic Ch 11 pg. 143-157
Introduction First Leaders of the Country George Washington- First President Henry Knox- Secretary of War (Fought with Washington) Alexander Hamilton- Secretary of Treasury Thomas Jefferson- Secretary of State (manage relations) These three men became apart of the president cabinet All picked for being patriots and brilliant men But Hamilton and Jefferson were opposite (new government parties)
Launching the New Government On April 30, 1789 George Washington became president First congress was divided 1 side- want to build strong national government 2 side- want to limit the power of the government Debated over what to call the president Washington decided on Mr. President Three departments set up Dept. of State- handle relations with other countries Dept of war- defend the nation Treasury dept- oversee nations finances
Washington as President First main issue for new nation was money Congress raised money through luxury taxes (1791) Like whisky and carriages Whiskey Rebellion- Farmers in the west were making grain into whiskey because it was easier to ship (tax made things too expensive) Tax was lowered in 1793 but people in Penn still rebelled. Tarred and feathered tax collectores Hamilton and Washington as a threat to govt. Sent 1300 troops to fight rebels Jefferson didn’t like this/ thought Hamilton would violate peoples liberties
Washington As President continued… French Revolution French rebelled against their king in 1789 and became a republic American liked this: Especially Jefferson and fellow Republicans Saw as a crusade for democracy But French rebels began beheading wealthy nobels- killing over 20,000 people Hamilton and Federalists were appalled by this bloodshed (scared of what would happen to them)
Washington as President continued… Washington’s Farewell Address There was a growing division between Republicans and Federalists and Washington was thought to be the only one to fix this. Ran for a second term in 1792 but that was it Washington reminded the nation why they are free and of two issues 1) Threat was spirit of the party 2) Threats with other countries Washington was successful: added three new states, kept the nation in unity and peace
Alexander Hamilton & Federalist Party First leader was Hamilton Emerged during the ratification of the constitution Hamilton Born in the west indies- at 13 was sent to New York after a hurricane Could get angry but was known for being intelligent and full of energy Did not have family money so made his way alone Met Washington during the war Married Elizabeth Schuyler – rich family in NY From her was elected to congress in NY
Alexander Hamilton & Federalist Party Hamilton didn’t like when people put own interests and power over patriotism Idea fueled federalist theory/ didn’t like govt that gave too much power to the “mob” Wanted wealthy and smartest people to rule country Federalists favored a strong central government- wanted to unite the country and fighting states under constitution
Hamilton Continued Economy-(1790) focused mainly in agriculture Hamilton wanted to expand the economy in business, manufacturing, and trade Need to pay of Rev. War debts (S. Paid but N didn’t) Both wanted capital in their half of the country South would support debt plan if they got the capital (put in district of Columbia) Hamilton wanted congress to set up a national bank (help businesses and trade expand) Congress didn’t know if it was in constitution but was eventually passed French and Britain French- didn’t like that they killed people Britain- supported because they were merchants and were powerful like American hoped to be
Thomas Jefferson and the Republican Party Jefferson believed Hamilton was sending the country to ruin not greatness Jefferson Born of an old and respected family in VA 1 of 10 children – gifted (violin, hunting, singing, dancing) Went to college at 16- knew Greek and Latin Inherited land from his father- VA tobacco planter Used slaves to work his land Couldn’t make great speeches but could write (Declaration/ Constitution)
Thomas Jefferson Continued….. Thought informed citizens could make informed decisions Had good faith in people who worked the soil- famers and workers Government: Favored Democracy – small govt allowed people to enjoy their liberties Thought there should be strict interpretation of the constitution Favored strong state govt – keep national govt from getting too powerful/ closer to the people
Thomas Jefferson continued…… Economy Thought it was from farmers not merchants or bankers Based on agriculture Didn’t like national bank idea or the growth of manufacturing French and Britain French- Supported even though revolution became bloody ( Sent general to Am. to have them join the war against Britain) British- didn’t support because we just won freedom from them
Presidency of John Adams Election of 1796- two political parties developed and had a say in the election Republicans- Thomas Jefferson Federalists- John Adams ( Won by three votes) Top two leaders were from opposing parties Adams tried to work with Jefferson until: Congress passes three laws- Alien and Sedition Acts Real reason was to make life difficult for republicans 1) lengthened the time it took to become a citizen who can vote from 5 to 14 years 2/3)President to jail or deport troublemakers Sedition- didn’t allow rebellion against the govt
John Adams continued……. VA & KY resolutions- Republicans- saw these as an attack on free speech/press Jefferson and Madison wrote statements opposing Asked states to nullify (VA KY agreed) Saw the states use ‘States’ rights theory New National Capital 1800 federal govt moved to Washington DC Still under construction though
Election of 1800 Republicans- Jefferson and Burr Federalists- Adams and Pickney Hamilton wanted to run but wasn’t American-born Campaign Jefferson- supported Constitution and states rights Adams- Peace and prosperity Papers attacked both runners Federalists divided: Hamilton didn’t like Adams foreign policy so pushed to have Pickney chosen (end up leading country)
Deadlock and a New Amendment Electoral college voted for president and second place went to VP Resulted in a tie Went to the House of Reps- vote was a tie After 6 days Hamilton asked his followers to vote for Jefferson 1804 New Amendment added (#12) Electoral college have separate votes for President and VP to prevent ties If no majority vote House of Reps selects out of top three choice and Senate picks VP American showed they could shift power without having to go to war!