The Rise of Cultural Nationalism Objectives: Be able to describe the growth of nationalism in the U.S. in the early 1800’s Be able to describe the changes to culture in Education, Science and Literature. Do Now: Text pg. 213 # 5 Homework: Read National Expansion and Reform Document Linked on Website.
Patterns of Education Republican vision included enlightened citizenry wanted nationwide system of free public schools to create educated electorate required by republic By 1815 no state had a comprehensive public school system schooling primary by private institutions open only to those who could pay. Most were aristocratic in outlook, trained students to become elite. Few schools for poor
Patterns of Education Idea of “republican mother” to train, new generation could not be ignorant late 18th century women began to have limited education to make them better wives and mothers no professional training
Patterns of Education Attempts to educate “noble savages” in white culture and reform tribes African Americans very little schooling literacy rate very small Higher education not public, private contribution + tuition necessary students mostly from prosperous, propertied families. Little professional education
Medicine and Science Most doctors learned from established practitioners struggled w/ introduction of science and combating superstition. Doctors often used dangerous and useless treatments. Medical profession used its new “scientific” method to justify expanding control to new care childbirths by doctor and not midwives
Cultural Aspirations in the New Nation After Europe independence people wanted cultural independence literary and artistic achievements to rival those of Europe Nationalism could be found in early American schoolbooks Noah Webster wanted patriot education American Spelling Book and American Dictionary of the English Language established national standard of words and usage simplified and Americanized system of spelling created
Cultural Aspirations in the New Nation High literacy rate and large reading public due to wide circulation of newspapers and political pamphlets Most printers used cheaper English material American writers struggled to create strong native literature Charles Brockden Brown used novels to voice American themes Washington Irving wrote American fold tales, fables Rip Van Winkle Histories that glorified past Mercy Otis Warren History of the Revolution 1805 emphasized heroism Mason Weems Life of Washington 1806. History used to instill sense of nationalism
The Rise of Cultural Nationalism Objectives: Be able to describe the attack on religion after the revolution that resulted from Enlightenment Science Ideas. Be able to describe the origins surrounding the Great Awakening and its impact on how people lived their lives. Know the differences between the First and Second Great Awakenings. Do Now: Text pg. 186 #’s 1-3 Homework: “Stirrings of Industrialism” pg. 188
Religious Skepticism Revolution detached churches from government + elevated liberty and reason by 1790s few members of formal churches, some embraced “deism” Books and articles attacking religious “superstitions” became popular Thomas Paine’s The Age of Reason.
Religious Skepticism Skepticism led to “universalism” + “unitarianism” At first within New England Congregational Church, later separate- rejected predestination, salvation for all Jesus only great religious teacher not son of God Spread of rationalism led to less commitment to organized churches + denominations considered too formal and traditional comeback starting 1801
The Second Great Awakening Origin 1790s from efforts to fight spread of religious rationalism. Baptists, Presbyterian, Methodists (founded by John Wesley) successful at combating New Light dissenters People who made religion more compatible w/ rationalism By 1800 awakening that began at Yale had spread throughout country and to the west “camp meetings” by evangelical ministers produced religious frenzy Second Great Awakening called individuals to readmit God + Christ into daily life reject skeptical rationalism. New sects rejected predestination, combined piety with belief of God as active force whose grace achieved thru faith + works
“Camp Meetings”
The Second Great Awakening Accelerated growth of new sects as opposed to return to established churches provided sense of order + social stability to people searching for identity Women particularly drawn to revivalism because women more numerous in certain regions movement of industrial work out of home led to personal and social strains that religion was used to compensate for Revival led to rise of black preachers who interpreted religious message of salvation available to all into right to freedom Native American dislocation and defeats after Revolution created sense of crisis and led to Indian religious fervor missionaries active in south led to conversion in North prophet Handsome Lake encouraged Christian missionaries and restoration of traditional Iroquois culture