Symbolism, metaphor, personification, allegory
Symbolism Using an object or idea to represent another object or idea. Examples: Dove = peace Rose = love Black = death Mirror = the self Purpose Symbolism gives a writer freedom to add double levels of meanings to his work: a literal one that is self-evident and the symbolic one whose meaning is far more profound than the literal one. The symbolism, therefore, gives universality to the characters and the themes of a piece of literature. Symbolism in literature evokes interest in readers as they find an opportunity to get an insight of the writer’s mind on how he views the world and how he thinks of common objects and actions, having broader implications. Brainstorm
Metaphor Figure of speech that makes a comparison between two objects or ideas Examples: Life is a box of chocolates = life is unpredictable This room is a furnace = the room is hot Brainstorm: 10 metaphors for life
Personification Giving human traits or qualities to an inanimate object. Example: The clouds danced across the sky. (Clouds don’t dance) Isn’t my car a beauty? The wind whistled a familiar tune. Purpose Personification is not merely a decorative device but it serves the purpose of giving deeper meanings to literary texts. It adds vividness to expressions as we always look at the world from a human perspective. Writers and poets rely on personification to bring inanimate things to life, so that their nature and actions are understood in a better way. Because it is easier for us to relate to something that is human or that possesses human traits. Its use encourages us to develop a perspective that is new as well as creative. Brainstorm: Write 5 examples.
Allegory A story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one. From Allegories use symbolism Purpose: Writers use allegory to add different layers of meanings to their works. Allegory makes their stories and characters multidimensional, so that they stand for something larger in meaning than what they literally stand for. Allegory allows writers to put forward their moral and political point of views. A careful study of an allegorical piece of writing can give us an insight into its writer’s mind as how he views the world and how he wishes the world to be. Example: Animal Farm Chronicles of Narnia