“How To Do Business” with Atlanta Public Schools
Agenda Overview of Procurement Services Vendor Registration Types of Formal Solicitations Contract Administration Conflict of Interest Questions and Answers
Purchasing and Warehouse Operations The mission of the Purchasing and Warehouse Department is to provide a selection of quality goods, services, and suppliers for the use of APS students and staff, accomplished through purchasing principles of acceptable value at best price, transparency, and equal and fair competition in compliance with board policy and state/federal law.
About Our District FY 16-17 Operating Budget: $745.3 Million 50 Elementary, 11 Middle, 12 High, and 16 Charter Schools Number of Teachers – 4,060 Number of Students - 51,046 4
About Our District Students - Ethnic Distribution: - 75.5% African American - 1.6% Multiracial 14.7% Caucasian - 1.2% Asian/American 6.8% Hispanic Indian/Alaskan/Other Free and Reduced Lunch—77% 5
Vendor Registration Application available on APS website under the Procurement, Vendor registration. Must submit a completed vendor packet and provide all required information. All notary stamps must be valid; legible seal/stamp with date All vendors must provide a W-9 including 1099 recipients. Must complete all applicable E-Verify Forms. Responsible for maintaining company information; notify APS of any changes in company information. Must follow the procurement process. 6
Vendor Eligibility for Consideration Vendors with an active exclusion listed on the United States Government’s System for Awards Management (SAM) will not be eligible for consideration for a contract award. To be eligible for consideration, vendors must be in compliance with all federal, state and local laws (including Georgia’s HB 87 a/k/a “E-Verify”). Information about the requirements of HB 87 can be found on our website at: http://www.atlanta.k12.ga.us/Page/22476 APS adheres to requirements set forth in the Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act, as Amended by the Illegal Immigration Reform Act of 2011, OCGA 13-10-90, et al. Applicable documents are included in each solicitation released by APS Procurement Services and must be properly executed by responding suppliers (including notarization) in order to be considered for contract award. 7
Inclusive Practices On Oct. 9, 2017, the APS Board approved a Resolution Affirming the Commitment of the Atlanta Board of Education to Uphold Inclusive Practices in the District’s Competitive Solicitation Process Revising solicitation language to encourage the participation of M/WBEs Require vendors to disclose their inclusive practices in solicitation responses Tracking M/WBE participation (for both contracted vendors and subcontractors) 8
Types of Vendors There are two (2) categories of vendors recognized by APS: a. Registered b. Awarded
Types of Vendors Registered vendor - has submitted a vendor application to Procurement Services and been assigned a vendor number. This allows the vendor to participate in the procurement process. Awarded vendor - has been determined to be the lowest responsive responsible bidder (on IFB) OR offers the best value to the District (RFP, RFQu) An awarded vendor must also be a registered vendor.
What We Purchase APS needs a wide variety of goods and services to support the educational requirements of our students. Some examples are: Instructional Equipment, Materials and Supplies. Operations (facilities, nutrition, security and transportation) Maintenance, Repairs, Operations (MRO) Supplies Professional Services (financial, HR and instructional) Technology (hardware, software and services) 11
How We Purchase Procurement Card Purchase Order Referred to as “P-Card.” Looks like and functions the same as a standard Visa card. Can be used for some contract items; most commonly small $ items. Purchase Order Most common method of purchasing goods. PO is automatically faxed or emailed to vendor. 12
How We Purchase Competition Thresholds Purchases less than $2001 and not already under contract-may be accomplished without multiple quotes. Schools and departments use best judgment in selecting a vendor Purchases between $2001 and $25,000 and not already under contract- require two (2) quotes to be obtained by the school or department Purchases exceeding $25,000 and not already under contract- Require formal solicitation issued by Procurement Services 13
Board Approval Board approval is required for the following: Capital project contracts with a total annual value of $200,000 or greater; Consultant contracts with a total annual value of $50,000 or greater; Goods or service contracts with a total annual value of $100,000 or greater; and Contracts for goods or services may have up to four (4) one year options available to renew. 14
Formal Solicitations (Over $25k) End-user (department/school) must initiate a request with Procurement Services Procurement does not release a solicitation without a customer (department/school). End-user provides specifications. Procurement works with end-user to define/refine. Solicitation is released when Procurement and end-user are satisfied with content. 15
Formal Solicitations (Over $25k) Invitation for Bid (IFB) Request for Proposal (RFP) Request for Qualifications (RFQu) Request for Information (RFI) 16
Invitation for Bid (IFB) Used to obtain pricing on specific goods or services. Typically advertised for ~ 2 weeks Award is made to the lowest priced responsive and responsible bidder. This is the lowest priced vendor meeting terms, specifications and requirements of the bid and capable of delivering the product or service specified. Bids are publically opened on the scheduled date and time shown in the solicitation. Award can be for firm pricing up to a year and may contain renewal options for up to four (4) years. 17
Request for Proposal (RFP) Preferred method when specifications are either (1) not clearly defined or (2) also include service related elements. Typically advertised for ~ 3 weeks Price is not the sole factor considered in evaluating responses. Evaluation criteria included in RFP document. Evaluated by a committee to determine the proposed solution which offers the best value or best overall solution. No public opening. 18
Request for Qualifications (RFQu) Used to determine the qualifications of a vendor to provide goods or services. Typically advertised for ~ 3 weeks Evaluation criteria included in RFQu document. Evaluated by a committee to determine the proposed solution(s) which are qualified to submit pricing. Typically awarded to multiple vendors 19
Request for Information (RFI) Used to obtain information from potential vendors prior to issuing a formal solicitation (IFB, RFP or RFQu). Typically advertised for ~ 2 – 3 weeks Information submitted may be used to develop specifications or scope of work for a formal solicitation 20
Formal Solicitations (over $25k) All formal solicitations are posted on the APS Bonfire website (aps.bonbfirehub.com) and on The Georgia Procurement Registry. You must register as a vendor with the state of Georgia to receive e-mail notifications of open solicitations on the Georgia Procurement Registry. 21
APS Bonfire Website aps.bonfirehub.com Register as a vendor View solicitations Submit proposals Receive notifications Solicitation historical data is available upon request. You must submit an open records request to openrecords@atlanta.k12.ga.us 22
Formal Solicitation Award Once a vendor (or vendors) are recommended for award and approved by the board (if applicable), the vendor will receive a letter of intent from the assigned Procurement Officer. Vendor will submit a certificate of insurance. A procurement officer will work with the vendor to get a contract executed. Vendor may not provide goods or services to APS until a contract has been executed and a purchase order issued. 26
Conflict of Interest Contractor understands and agrees that employees of APS or the Atlanta Board of Education are not permitted to work under this Contract, nor can they have ownership in a company that bids for or works under this Contract, either as a prime contractor or as a sub-contractor. Any breach of this provision shall result in immediate termination of this Contract and termination of employment with APS.
Tips for Doing Business with APS Check APS webpage for solicitations frequently. Read the solicitation carefully. Communicate and ask questions as instructed in the solicitation document. Attend site visits and/or pre-bid meetings when offered as part of the solicitation. Complete and return ALL required forms (e.g. immigration documents) BE ON TIME!! Early is Great; Late is Unacceptable! 28
Areas of Responsibility Email Phone Alisa Morningstar Executive Director, Purchasing & Warehouse Operations Services Name Title Areas of Responsibility Email Phone Joyce Carter, CPPB Purchasing Agent Academics Accountability Technology Human Resources Communications Innovation Policy & Governance School Turnaround jcarter@atlanta.k12.ga.us 404-802-2593 Cheryl Bullock, CPPB Senior Buyer cheryl.bullock@atlanta.k12.ga.us 404-802-2484 Marki Dixon Operations Facilities Safety & Security School Nutrition Transportation Finance Warehouse Operations mxdixon@atlanta.k12.ga.us 404-802-1564 Quentin O’Neal Quentin.Oneal@atlanta.k12.ga.us 404-802-2531 Lynn Lewis Procurement Associate/Buyer Assist Procurement staff with solicitation process and contract administration; update departmental forms and documents ldlewis@Atlanta.k12.ga.us 404-802-2448 Tonya Kay Admin. Assistant II Vendor Registration Tonya.Kay@Atlanta.k12.ga.us 404-802-2532