AQA POWER & CONFLICT KO Vocabulary Sorrowful Tempestuous Arrogant Poignant Political Endemic Problematic Encouraging Articulating Nightmarish Rejection Subverting Violent Stereotypical Confessional Bereavement Defiance Government Identity Heroic Fearful Counteracting Blame Vocabulary Conscience Corruption Power Philosophical Significance Delusion Youthful Renaissance Elegance Emotional Commanding Impotence Symbolic Transience Traumatic Desperation Despair Distress Flashbacks Memories Sympathising Stealth Guilt SKILLS Analysis Points: Link to the question Link to the terminology (Lang/Structure – evaluating choice) Short Quote(s) Explain meaning and effect – both obvious and hidden (explicit and implicit) Zoom in on words/explore connotations and effect Suggest what other readers might think/feel (offering an alternative opinion) Link to the writer’s intentions (step out from the close analysis to give an overview of meaning) Explore a linking quote/supporting idea COMPARISON SKILLS: Link to the question for both texts stating the similarity or difference, Give a quote which links to your idea from poem 1 Explain briefly what the quote means Use comparative connectives in your answer to then explain a quote from poem 2 and HOW the quotes are different or the same and what they make you think Terminology Definition Imagery visually descriptive or figurative language Simile comparison between two things using like or as Metaphor a comparison as if a thing is something else Onomatopoeia words that sound like their meaning Symbolism the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities Noun the name of something Personification Giving human qualities to inanimate objects Adjective a word used to describe Verb a word used to describe an action Adverb often ly words which describes how things are done Pronoun Pronouns are used instead of names Connotations implied or suggested meanings of words or phrases Juxtaposition placing contrasting ideas close together in a text Oxymoron using two terms together, that normally contradict each other Repetition when words or phrases are used more than once in texts Enjambment incomplete sentences at the end of lines in poetry, where the line runs into the next line Caesura a break in the middle of a line of poem using punctuation (. , : ; ) End-stopping punctuation at the end of a line of poetry Rhythm A recurring beat in the poem Stanzas the way verses are structured Assonance repetition of vowel sounds. Consonance Repetition of consonant sounds. EXAM REQUIREMENTS – 30 mark question You will have one poem in front of you and will need to choose your comparison poem carefully and use your memory to compare it to the poem in front of you COMPARISON POEM ESSAY – 45 mins (including planning time) Intro – link to question. Explain the overall meaning of the poem briefly. Mention time period/context. Throughout the essay– choose relevant quotes from the poem and analyse the language, structure and effect of these quotes and then how they link to examples and analysis from the comparison poem you have selected. You must use connectives of comparison. Refer to the question and link to the context regularly. Comparison Connectives Tentative Phrases Similarly In contrast /Contrastingly Could Maybe In the same way On the other hand Might Possibly Also However May Perhaps
EXCERPT FROM THE PRELUDE CHECKIN’ OUT ME HISTORY OZYMANDIAS “antique land” “frown…wrinkled lip…sneer” “the hand that mocked” “king of kings” “lone and level sands stretched far away” LONDON “chartered street… chartered Thames” “marks in every face… marks of weakness, marks of woe” “in every” x 5 “black’ning Churches appals” “plagues the marriage hearses” EXCERPT FROM THE PRELUDE “I unloosed her chains” “Proud of his skill” “heaving … like a swan” “a huge peak, black and huge” “There hung a darkness, call it solitude Or blank desertion” “MY LAST DUCHESS “Looking as if she were alive.” “none puts by the curtain that I have drawn for you, but I” “spot of joy” “I gave commands; then all smiles stopped” “of mine for dowry” CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE “half a league,” “Valley of death” “Storm’d at with shot and shell” “When can their glory fade?” “Rode the six hundred” and “Noble six hundred!” EXPOSURE “Merciless iced east winds that knife us…” “Attacks once more in ranks on ranks of shivering ranks of grey” “sudden successive flights of bullets streak the silence” “Slowly our ghosts drag home;” “All their eyes are ice” STORM ON THE ISLAND “The wizened earth has never troubled us” “Raise a tragic chorus in a gale” “Exploding comfortably down on the cliffs” “Spits like a tame cat turned savage” “bombarded by the empty air” BAYONET CHARGE “his sweat heavy” “The patriotic tear that had brimmed in his eye” “was he the hand pointing that second?” “threw up a yellow hare that rolled like a flame” “King, honour, human dignity etcetc” REMAINS “legs it up the road” “I see every round as it rips through his life –“ “tosses his guts back into his body” “blood-shadow stays on the street” “his bloody life in my bloody hands” POPPIES “spasms of paper red” “all my words, flattened, rolled, turned into felt” “skirting the church yard walls, my stomach busy” “leaned against it like a wishbone” “The dove pulled freely against the sky,” WAR PHOTOGRAPHER “spools of suffering set out in ordered rows” “ordinary pain” “the blood stained into foreign dust” “a hundred agonies in black and white” “the reader’s eyeballs prick with tears between the bath and pre-lunch beers” TISSUE “Paper that lets the light shine through” “pages smoothed and stroked and turned” “they fall away on a sigh” “Trace a grand design” “living tissue” THE EMIGREE “my memory of it is sunlight-clear” “it may be sick with tyrants” “That child’s vocabulary…banned by the state” “I have no passport” “My shadow falls as evidence of sunlight” CHECKIN’ OUT ME HISTORY “Dem tell em” “Blind me to my own identity” “Dick Whittington and he cat But Toussaint L’Ouverture” “hopeful stream to freedom river” “I carving out me identity” KAMIKAZEE “for a one-way journey” “little fishing boats strung out like bunting” “built cairns of pearl-grey pebbles” “he no longer existed” “Which had been the better way to die” CONTEXT: for each of the poems think about; how different audiences would have perceived the poems; think about the obvious clues in the poem to suggest something about the political, historical or social context; think about what you know about the poet.