PATRIOTS OR TRAITORS—It’s all how you look at it!
Whose side is the right side?
LET’S REVIEW: Mercantilism What is it. How does it affect relations between the colonists and British
Britain is broke. How did that happen? Why? French and Indian War—7 year’s war. They look at is as, we took care of you by protecting you from the French and Native Americans, now you owe us! We look at it as we helped you get the land away from the French and Native Americans, now you owe us! Trouble
What to do? What do they need money for? The British say it’s to protect us. We say we don’t need protecting we’ve done fine without you so far!
British see themselves as taking care of their family, making sure they are protected and have everything they need. That costs money!
It’s all about point of view, isn’t it It’s all about point of view, isn’t it? How do the colonists see the British?
Sons of Liberty disguised as Mohawk Indians, people watching and celebrating their actions (actually happened at night) because they felt the Tea Act was unfair. 342 crates of tea into the harbor
Anti-patriot print shows customs commissioner being attacked by the Sons of Liberty under the liberty tree—a symbol of resistance to British rule. Boston tea party in the background (really 4 weeks early). Tarring and feathering to humiliate and warn. Shows how Boston patriots treated British officials who tried to enforce taxes. Audience=British public
Closing of the port: cage=symbol of slavery, hung from the Liberty tree. Paper: “They cried unto the the Lord in their trouble and he saved them out of their distress (Psalm cvii 13) reference to their religious heritage. Men in boat feeding them with fish on poles through the bars represent other American colonies who sent supplies to Boston during the crisis. British soldiers on shore with cannons and warships in harbor symbolize the blockade. Published in London newspaper after the tea party. Patriot sees “poor Bostonians caged and starving because of Great Britain’s unfair policies. Loyalist or British: we’ve got them now, they are boxed in by their own illegal actions and paying the consequences for defying the King.