Aim: To be able to interpret a topographic Map. Topographic Maps Aim: To be able to interpret a topographic Map.
What is a Topographic Map? shows surface features, or topography, of the Earth.
Topography can be natural or human-made Mountains Valleys Rivers Cities Roads Bridges
Topographic maps also show elevation. Elevation is the height of a point on Earth above or below sea level.
Topographic Maps have contour lines. Contour Lines connect points on the map that have the same elevation. These lines let you know the shape, or contour, of the land.
The difference in elevation between contour lines is called contour interval. There is only one contour interval per map.
The Golden Rules of Contour Lines Contour lines never cross. The spacing of contour lines show slope characteristics. Close contour lines show steep slopes.
The Golden Rules of Contour Lines Contour lines that cross a valley or stream a V shaped. The V points to the area of higher elevation or upstream. The tops of hills and mountains and are shown by closed circles.
The Relief. The difference between the highest point on the map and the lowest point is known as the relief.
Do you think the contour lines of a Topographic map of Long Island would be close together or far apart, and Why?