Commission Communication "towards a job-rich economy" MISSOC meeting Copenhagen, 24 May 2012
Why this Communication? Crisis persist, unemployment at record levels Europe 2020 strategy: 75% employment target requires creation of 17.6m jobs within 8 years Fiscal consolidation needs to go hand-in-hand with economic and employment recovery plans aimed at labour demand Employment policies are key in generating favourable conditions for job creation Need to mobilise all actors and resourcres towards common goal
Aims of Communication Present a medium-term agenda for EU and MS to pursue a job-intensive recovery Trigger job creation by stimulating demand through employer end employee friendly measures Outline balanced reforms to make EU labour markets more inclusive, dynamic and competitive Underline importance of investing in skills and enhance workforce mobility Strengthen employment and social dimension in EU governance, by involving social partners more closely in decision making
Support job creation Encourage labour demand Hiring subsidies towards new recruitments Tax shift from labour to environmental, consumption or property taxes Promote and support self-employment Transform informal or undeclared work into regular employment Exploit job creation potential of key sectors Green economy Demand for ICT professionals continues to grow Employment in EU health and social care sectors is growing fast Mobilise EU funds for job creation ESF, ERDF,EGF,EAFRD
Make labour markets more dynamic and inclusive Draw from lessons during crisis: stimulate internal flexibility to reduce job insecurity and fiscal costs (STWA) Establish decent and sustainable wages. Avoid in work poverty Develop life long learning as a key to employment security Invest in skills; strengthen synergies education/ work Deliver youth opportunities. Support for transition to work Youth guarantees Activation measures targeting young people Quality of traineeships Youth mobility
Towards a European labour market Remove legal and practical obstacles to free movement of workers Legislative proposal to support mobile workers (information and advice) in exercise of rights derived from Treaty Transform EURES. Make it an entry point and natural first choice for any jobseeker and employer considering working or recruiting in another MS
Enhance EU Governance Reinforce involvement of social partners National reporting complemented by multilateral surveillance National Job Plans to report on actions Enhanced peer pressure at EU level (CSR;EMCO) Reinforce involvement of social partners Consultation and coordination ahead of European Semester cycles Tripartite Social Summit
Employment Conference Employment Package will be the subject of discussions during a High Level Employment Conference 6-7 September in Brussels in order to mobilise all partners to implement the measures announced
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