Unit4 Customer Portal Accessing Knowledge and Documentation
Agenda Knowledge Portals Latest News Documentation and Learning Centre
Unit4 Customer Portal Home Console for customer 1. Home Button Returns to the Home Console Incident Open an Incident when the product is not working as expected 3. Service Request Open a Service Request if you need extraodrinary assistance with product Knowledge Base Help yourself by using the Knowledge Base Track Cases View the status of case, add comments, etc. 6. Account Information about contact details, qualification, etc. 7. Contacts Your contacts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 7 8 10 9 11 12 Incident (2.) Open a case to get support of the Unit4 service team Service Request (3.) Open a Service Request if you need extraodrinary assistance with product 8. Track case status (5.) View the status of case, add comments, etc. 9. Portals Shows you additional Unit4 portals 10. Knowledge base (4.) Help yourself by using the Knowledge Base 11. Latest news General and Product News 12. Documentation and Learning Center General and Product Learning Center
Unit4 Customer Portal Knowledge base Click on “Knowledge base” for self service.
Unit4 Customer Portal Knowledge base for self service When you click on “Knowledge base” you have the possibility to choose between different selections. Each selection has the same logic of search.
Unit4 Customer Portal Knowledge base – logic of search Choose type of selection you want search in (All content, Cases and Knowledge) - All applications have the same logic of search. Type in a keyword to get content for your solution (check the spelling, try using fewer, different or more general keywords, remove current record context when you want to broaden your search). Additional search filters will be displayed on the left based on your type of search, e.g. “Priority”, “Status”, “Product” and “Category”. Here you find suggestions/articles that may match your keyword. Also your own cases and online- help will be displayed! 1 2 4 3
Unit4 Customer Portal Portals Under “Portals” are addition access points to information, expertise and applications.
Unit4 Customer Portal Portals The Unit4 Software Distribution Server facilitates Financials Software Updates. This is a place for your ideas on the product. Here you can find Unit4 portals based on your product suite. In the portals you can find documentation and more about Unit4 products, as well as links to country-specific portals.
Unit4 Customer Portal Portals Examples Portals
Unit4 Customer Portal Latest news Click “Latest news” and find product information and general information
Unit4 Customer Portal Latest news General information. Product information – Specific information about a Unit4 product.
Unit4 Customer Portal Documentation and Learning Centre Click on “Documentation and Learning Centre” obtain learning content
Unit4 Customer Portal Documentation and Learning Centre Local & Industry-Specific Product information including: Release Notes Training Manuals Includes: Procedural information Portal training material
Unit4 Customer Portal Documentation and Learning Centre If you click on one product related learning content (e.g. Installation Guides) you will get a list of different learning content to search for your topic.
If you have any questions, please contact: admin.support@unit4.com