Junior Year Some things to think about
What do I need to know ? The importance of Junior year Graduation requirements Preparing for after High School while in HS National Honor Society Credit Recovery Scheduling for Senior year Standardized testing PSSA Keystone Exams SAT and ACT Exams College/Career Research Time line towards graduation
Where do I start? Get to know your counselor Listen to this presentation Ask questions – Do research Take ACT’s, SAT’S Discuss information with your parents
What do I need to GRADUATE? Credits: If you Pass all your classes all 4 years you will graduate with 32 credits! The MINIMUM number of credits needed to graduate is 28 plus completing 4 years of HS!!
What COURSES do I need to graduate? 4 English credits 4 Math credits 4 Social Studies credits 4 Science credits 2 PE/ Health credits 2 World Language + 8 Electives or 10 Elect. MUST Complete and Pass: Keystone Exams & Graduation project
What can I do while in HS? Update your school resume by: Taking part in school clubs, after school activities Doing community service, volunteer work Getting a part-time job Picking up your grades Taking the most challenging courses you can If you qualify, participate in National Honor Society Get involved with school related projects
Preparing for College!! Time is running out!
SAT vs ACT Scores 1-35 Scores -200- 800 English, Math, Reading, Writing, and Science Given at HAHS 2, October and April, the rest at Kings College in Wilkes Barre www.act.org Scores -200- 800 Math, Writing and Critical Reading Given at HAHS on 7 Saturdays . www.collegeboard.com
How do I prepare for the SAT? Self-study with SAT Prep Books Prep courses at Penn State, King’s College, Wilkes University Library resources, Princeton Review Sign up on Collegeboard.com question of the day
What do Colleges look for? Grades SAT/ ACT scores Extra curricular activities Essay Interview
Select 3 Dream school 50/50 Sure school
Ivy League/ Highly Competitive Example; Harvard, Yale, Princeton, U of Penn,Brown, Cornell SAT scores average 1560 using math and CR Top 5% of your class National, State ,and local award winner Only 7-10% are accepted Cost- $50,000 ++
Competitive Colleges Example: Villanova, Bucknell, Lehigh, Penn State University Park, Pitt, SAT scores 1300 + (math and CR) GPA top 10% of class Cost ranges- commonwealth $22,000(PSU PITT) others $50,000 +++ 25% accepted
State Schools Bloomsburg, Lock Haven, East Stroudsburg SAT scores 1000 and up GPA top 20-25% class Cost $15,000 +
Open admission LCCC, Lackawanna Junior college SAT not required Cost $2,500 Can transfer to any State School
How do a narrow my choice? Location- How far do I want to go Major – undecided or not Cost – discuss with parents
What do I work on now! Get the best grades that you can this year. Prepare for the SAT / ACT Know your class rank Research colleges (do some searches) Beef up your extra curricular resume Interest inventory exam (Bridges.com) Talk with your counselor
You are now ready to begin this adventure ! Have fun! Learn about careers Ask people questions Visit colleges