The first writing assignment is due: June 25 Writing Assignments The first writing assignment is due: June 25
The Paper Report on a print or web article about health conditions or research findings. No more that 5 years old NO health care fact sheets and brochures, sales literature, newspaper advice columns, or reworded encyclopaedia or textbook information The report must actually address the article.
The Paper cont. The source article should EXPAND knowledge from the textbook and class notes, not repeat it. Also, do not write on the physiology of microbes or the chemistry of drugs—this is A & P class
Sources Sources must have apparent medical expertise. e.g. doctors, nurses, therapists, health journalists, or an established health information resource. i.e. NOT testimonials, bizarre therapies, and baseless theories. If in question about the source or author, look them up on the internet A bio should contain credentials and any accomplishments.
The Article The report must be taken from ONE source article of at least 750 words. This is so you have enough material to do your paper It must be on a topic discussed in the semester of A&P Check the syllabus for the chapters we cover Chapters 1-12 You may find the article though an online source
Online Sources Articles should resemble magazine or newspaper articles. Good Examples Google News Yahoo News Newspaper Websites Magazine Websites Do Not Use! Web MD Wikipedia Any general information articles of this nature
The Article cont. Bring your articles to me for approval. I will generally have them back to you by the next class. If you find the article online, you can e-mail me the link for a faster return. All information reported must come from the content of this single article, nothing else.
Style This is merely a report, a simple summary of information. It is not a research paper. It is not a commentary or opinion paper. No added pictures, table, etc. are needed. Remember to spelling/grammar check! No cover sheets or binders. At top of page, type your name, title of report, and Instructor’s Name.
Style Cont. Must be a summary of the article in your own words. Do not plagiarise. Any string of text longer than three words taken directly from a source is plagiarism Scientific terms do not count (i.e amino-acid chain) Do not use “quotes.” Formal writing style No contractions No first person perspective No abbreviations
Style cont. Do not list or outline. Write in complete sentences in paragraphs only. If you have a question about style e-mail me of check an online style guide Links at the end of the presentation
Specifications It must be at least 250 words of text but not more than 500 You can use the word counter in Word or Word Perfect. No filler sentences to increase word count. Do NOT count your name, title, and personal comments, just the objective text of the report. If you want to comment, after 250 words of objective reporting, you may draw a line and add personal comments below it.
Specifications cont. New Times Roman or Arial font I inch margins all around Remember to go in and change the side margins Use a ruler to check if you have never had margin requirements on papers before or if it is a new printer 12 point font Double spaced
Specifications cont. A copy of the article must be STAPLED to the back of the report. I will read it. If the report does not obviously match the article, you will get a ZERO.
Due Dates and Penalties Each report has a due date that must be met even if you are absent that day. They may be turned in early, of course. Reports that do not meet the minimum requirements will be turned back to correct. In emergency circumstances I will accept papers through e-mail When late or in need of correction, reports lose 1 point per class period beyond the due date.
Links APA guidelines Another formatting website. With APA and MLA Another formatting website. With APA and MLA