TASK FORCE Existing Person New Person It begins with a core group that takes initiative, usually 6-1 people….this is typically called the Organizing Group (Network Weaver) or the Task Force (NC food councils). 1 Existing Person 8 New Person
ADVISORY BOARD COUNCIL Existing Person New Person The Task Force expands to get a Council formed. Some members leave the ADVISORY BOARD to join the Council, appointed government seats move onto the ADVISORY BOARD circle. Additional members are recruited to fill seats on the council. 24 Existing Person 16 New Person
ADVISORY BOARD ADMIN SUPPORT COUNCIL Existing Person New Person During its Growth Phase, the new council divides its work into two pieces. First, it develops its governance structure to ensure it can operate. Second, it creates a group that will ensure all the necessary ADMIN SUPPORT systems are in place. Namely: Strategic Planning, Communication, Resources, Evaluation, and Training & Development. New members may be recruited to fill these spaces, or members may simply flow out of the Council, where their spots may be filled. 19 Existing Person 5 New Person
COUNCIL COORDINATING CIRCLE ADVISORY BOARD ADMIN SUPPORT COUNCIL COORDINATING CIRCLE STRATEGIC OUTCOME COMMITTEE STRATEGIC OUTCOME COMMITTEE STRATEGIC OUTCOME COMMITTEE STRATEGIC OUTCOME COMMITTEE During its Expansion Phase, the new council begins to expand to take on additional stakeholders. Members from the council allocate themselves into the appropriate action groups, bringing on new members where necessary. The size of the Council circle does not change, and there are two people that link each circle to the council. At this point, it might make sense to refer to this as a coordinating circle. It is likely that the ADVISORY BOARD and ADMIN SUPPORT circles will not change, to provide continuity. However, this does not preclude someone from one of those circles also being on an Action circle. STRATEGIC OUTCOME COMMITTEE 24 Existing Person 16 New Person
COMMUNITY FOOD SYSTEM COUNCIL ADVISORY COUNCIL ADMIN SUPPORT COMMUNITY FOOD SYSTEM COUNCIL RESILIENT ECOSYSTEM VIBRANT FARMS & FISHING HEALTHY PEOPLE THRIVING LOCAL ECONOMY In the case of NC food councils, some groups are choosing to break down ‘community food system’ into five high-level results from the Whole Measures framework: Vibrant Farms, Healthy People, Strong Communities, Thriving Local Economies, and Sustainable Ecosystems. Members from the council allocate themselves into the appropriate action groups, bringing on new members where necessary. The size of the Council circle does not change, and there are two people that link each circle to the council. STRONG COMMUNITY
COUNCIL STRATEGIC OUTCOME COMMITTEE SUB AIM SUB AIM SUB AIM When you zoom in, you can see that the strategic outcome committee, which is a pretty permanent subdivision of the ‘Council’, has within it subcommittees. One type of subcommittee would be a standing subcommittee…about priority issues within that strategic outcome. These standing subcommittees would be formed based on community priorities – framed in terms of desired results. SUB AIM SUB AIM
COUNCIL STRATEGIC OUTCOME COMMITTEE SUB AIM SUB AIM SUB AIM ACTION Occasionally, a temporary issue comes up for which a subcommittee is needed. This could be a specific event or policy that has a limited duration. These ad hoc committees could be spawned off of the high-level strategic outcome committee, or as ad hoc subcommittees within a standing subcommittee. These would not be framed in terms of results, but rather as the activity or strategy that is being employed to reach a higher result. SUB AIM SUB AIM ACTION