Upcoming Events Classroom News 4th Grade Newsletter April 3-7, 2017 Upcoming Events Classroom News Please remember that even though we are a no homework school- it is imperative that students are studying at home. Classes begin at 7:45. Any students who enter class after this time are considered tardy. If your child is going to be absent, please notify all of his/her teachers. Please make sure your child has headphones for the FSA. This is extremely important! Please make sure your are using the resources on our Weebly sites to practice for the upcoming FSA tests. April 7, 2017 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade assembly 12:45 All ELA books for projects must be picked and submitted on paper. April 10, 2017 FSA ELA SESSION 1 April 11, 2017 FSA ELA SESSION 2 April 19, 2017 FSA MATH SESSION 1 April 20, 2017 FSA MATH SESSION 2 Reminders Don’t forget to check your teachers’ Weebly site for study guides! Don’t forget to check Class Dojo and agendas daily!
Science Math Social Studies Unit 6 – Energy and It’s Uses Lesson 4- How do we use wind and water for energy? Math Unit 12 – Go Math Chapter 12 Unit 13- Go Math Chapter 11 Students will compare relative sizes of measurement units. Students will understand concepts of angles and measure angles. Go Math Lessons: 12. 10 & 11.1-11.4 Assessments: Unit 12 Test Tuesday Please log onto Tenmarks.com for extra practice. Please continue to review and practice your multiplication facts and practicing long division! Students will be discussing how wind, water, and the sun are sources of energy, as well as how they can be used to produce mechanical or electrical energy. Vocabulary: solar energy, hydroelectric energy, wind energy Assessments: Unit 6 test 4/7 ELA (Reading, Writing, Language) Test Prep Week 4 Journey’s Spelling Lesson 23 We will be comparing two fiction texts and review poetry this week. We will also review summarizing, theme, author’s purpose and point of view. We will be practicing for the FSA by taking am online practice test. We will focus on how to answer the different kinds of questions that might be asked. We will continue editing sentences by choosing the correct verb tenses, punctuation and homophones. We will also be working on subject vs. predicate and affixes. Assessments: Friday 3-7-17 Spelling Quiz Academic Vocabulary Quiz Editing Task 4 &5 (quiz) FSQ 5.5 &5.6 (test) **Books for book projects need to written on the project paper and submitted by today!** Social Studies Unit 4- Florida in Modern Times Lesson 3- Boom and Bust Students will learn how changes happens over time and what happened after WW1. Vocabulary: boom, mass production, substitute, bust, depression Assessments: Lesson 3 quiz 4/4, Lesson 1-3 test 4/6