EAP: Summary B. Ramamurthy.


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Presentation transcript:

EAP: Summary B. Ramamurthy

We studied EAP#1 : Arduino EAP#2: R and Rstudio EAP#3: JavaScript (static web pages: html, js, css) EAP#4: Android EAP#5: Processing EAP#6: Cloud Computing: Google, amazon EAP#7: Big Data

Approaches We Used We studied the concepts first and then practiced hands-on exercises Very important that you understand the underlying concepts to write better solutions using these EAPs Note that all the software and hardware studied are open source.

Apply what we studied Apply all or some of the EAPs studied in this course to your work projects Discuss them with your team members at work and see how else you can use them Make sure you keep with the EAPs we studied: sometimes the use/ applications for some of these come much later (even few years) Develop your hobby project around these EAPs and enjoy.

Contribute to Community Use the EAPs, make new open source projects, plugins, hardware and software and contribute to the community Use the EAPs to contribute in novel ways to your existing projects.

Enjoy and don’t forget to have fun