Basic Fire Safety for RU Fire Marshals last update: 15 April 2018
1. CAUSES AND PREVENTION OF FIRE 1.1 Chemistry of fire and spread Triangle of combustion: to start & keep burning … a fire needs heat + fuel + oxygen The heat of a fire spreads through: Direct flame – e.g. burning match or wind-driven firebrand from bush fire. Conduction – movement of heat through solid matter, e.g. steel. Radiation – heat given off by an object without direct contact, e.g. electric heater. Convection – movement of heat through the air
Flashover Heat moves through air by convection build-up of smoke & heat superheated thermal layer spreads (heating the air in the whole building) Building bursts into flame in 3 or 4 minutes! A fire fighter’s greatest fear!!
1. CAUSES AND PREVENTION OF FIRE 1.2 Knowing the type of fire CLASS A: solid organic materials – e.g. wood, paper, coal, plastic and fabrics. CLASS B: flammable liquid/gas – e.g. oil, petrol, paraffin, spirits, benzene. CLASS C: fire involving contact with live electrical installations – e.g. short- circuiting machinery and overloaded electrical cables CLASS D: fire involving combustible metals – e.g. magnesium, titanium (in lightweight equipment), aluminium (cooking pots, etc), metal filings (in workshops) – often reacting with sawdust, machine shavings, etc.
1. CAUSES AND PREVENTION OF FIRE 1.3 Links between causes and prevention of fire
1. CAUSES AND PREVENTION OF FIRE 1.3 Links between causes and prevention of fire
2. ACTION IN THE EVENT OF FIRE 2.1 Response to fire: Four Golden Rules Alarm Emergency Services Extinguish Evacuate
2. ACTION IN THE EVENT OF FIRE 2.2 Extinguishing fire Starvation: removes fuel from the fire – not possible in most cases. Smothering: eliminates oxygen supply (air) to the fire – use dry powder, fire blanket or sand. Cooling: eliminates the heat, so ignition temperature cannot be reached – use water or remove the source of heat (if safe).
2. ACTION IN THE EVENT OF FIRE 2.2 Extinguishing fire
2. ACTION IN THE EVENT OF FIRE Pull the pin 2.2 Extinguishing fire Aim the nozzle at base of fire Only attempt to extinguish a fire if: It is small and not spreading; You know how to use the fire extinguisher; You have your back to a known SAFE EXIT. Squeeze the trigger Sweep the nozzle from side to side
2. ACTION IN THE EVENT OF FIRE Alarm Emergency Services Extinguish Evacuate Best: Prevent Fire
3. PLANNING FOR BETTER FIRE SAFETY 3.1 Safety inspections Adopt the CARE principle: C – check: Do regular checks in the workplace for fire hazards. A – act: Ensure action is taken as soon as possible to address hazards. R – report: Communicate findings, recommendations and actions to health and safety rep E – educate: Alert your colleagues to fire safety.
3. PLANNING FOR BETTER FIRE SAFETY 3.2 Fire-related resources Fire alarm: distinctive signal to employees to evacuate Manual: ref’s whistle, bell, megaphone with siren, air horn, break-glass box Automatic: fire/smoke detector system Fire-fighting equipment: check once a month Escape routes: clearly marked (signage) & kept clear Fire exits: signage, kept clear, open in single movement
3. PLANNING FOR BETTER FIRE SAFETY 3.3 Emergency action plan Emergency team Emergency coordinator (Director/HOD/Manager) Fire marshals (fire wardens/floor monitors/incident officers) Health & Safety Representative(s) First Aider(s) Planning
3. PLANNING FOR BETTER FIRE SAFETY Emergency planning – key points How to report & how to alert occupants When to evacuate, procedures and routes (incl. floor plans) Emergency assembly points ± 50 m away: role call Contact details: emergency services + internal role-players Emergency team procedures – who does what Shut down critical systems/machinery – who.
3. PLANNING FOR BETTER FIRE SAFETY /fire/evacuation Open MS word doc - enter details specific to your area
Everybody shares responsibility for safety, health and environment delegates responsibility (not accountability) 16(1) Vice-Chancellor GMR 2 16(2) Registrar SHE Officer 16(2) Director 8(2) Manager / Head of Dept Employees / Other 16(2) Other / Deans 16(2) Deputy VC GAR 6 Union 17(1) H&S Reps GSR 3 First Aiders GSR 2 Fire Marshals through the various lines of management Everybody shares responsibility for safety, health and environment
4. FIRE MARSHAL ROLE & RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 Fire prevention Promoting fire awareness in workplace Know how to use fire-fighting equipment Monthly check: fire-fighting equipment Regular checks: fire exits & escape routes clear Regular checks: workplace fire hazards report for action Fire drill once a year – practice emergency plan
4. FIRE MARSHAL ROLE & RESPONSIBILITIES 4.2 Emergency action In emergency: ensure Emergency Coordinator is advised immediately. Help identify fire – solid, liquid/gas, or electrical Assist with evacuation procedures Assist in ensuring that occupants re-enter only when instructed
4. FIRE MARSHAL ROLE & RESPONSIBILITIES Fire marshal may also: raise the alarm; call emergency services; if safe, use fire extinguisher; direct staff to safe available exit routes; if safe, check areas such as toilets and storerooms to ensure all are evacuating. assist disabled people. close windows & doors. ensure hazardous processes or machinery have been shut down or isolated assist with roll call at the assembly point. report to the fire service on their arrival
4. FIRE MARSHAL ROLE & RESPONSIBILITIES Practical tips: Keep checklist of building occupants on clipboard + pen + reflective bib/band If alarm sounds: pick up clipboard + pen + bib check each room to ensure occupants are evacuating. Go the assembly point: tick off those who are present (on checklist). Note date, time, any observations (useful to investigator). Report results of roll call to Emergency Coordinator. If possible, find out where absentees are – do not go back into building
MORE INFO Evacuation Plan of Action GENERIC and other downloads RU x7205 or Last update: 30 April 2018