General Services Department Risk Management Division Medical Claims Data Analysis Tool (MCDAT Data Warehouse) Project Certification- Close Out Phase October 24, 2012 11/8/2018
MCDATE PROJECT OVERVIEW Project Objective/Goal Consolidate three years of medical and prescription claims data into a centralized data warehouse Data consists of claims from over 65,000 members (employees and dependents) enrolled in the Risk Management Division’s (RMD) four (4) medical plans and one (1) prescription plan Data analysis software will combine vendor’s claims into a single warehouse and provide; trending of overall cost medical utilization & measure quality health care indicators analysis of overall treatment patterns & review overall provider efficiency a qualified fraud tool data and query capabilities & standardize data from a consolidated platform State Healthcare Purchasers targeted to join this enterprise project Retiree Healthcare Authority Public School Insurance Authority Albuquerque Public Schools 11/8/2018
MCDAT PROJECT OVERVIEW Business Problem and Opportunity Meet critical oversight as a large New Mexico plan sponsor of the State’s self insured medical and prescription benefit programs Improve accountability of carriers Report universal health care trends Assist in contractual and provider evaluations Identify health care status and needs of state employees and their dependents Project Progress RFP Draft Document Project Team Identified Discussion with Healthcare Purchasers Business Needs Defined Systems Analysis Completed 11/8/2018
MCDAT BUDGET/PROJECT SCHEDULE BUDGET STATUS: No monies were expended on this project 11/8/2018
MCDAT PROJECT DELIVERABLES Budget Status: No monies were expended on this project. Major Project Deliverables Budget Date Project Phase RFP for software and implementation services was drafted and submitted to SPD for final approval but was never released per request of Procuring Division $350.00 12/08 Initiation Business Requirements defined 6/08 Project Manager quotes received $80.0 1/09 IV&V contract deliverables defined and request for pricing sent to vendors 2/09 Planning Discussion held with IBAC and RHCA to review RFP draft and further define enterprise business needs 3/09 Review and demo of RHCA current claims analysis system to determine migration feasibility. Discussion held with RHCA system vendor. 4/09 11/8/2018
MCDAT PROJECT CLOSE OUT GSD Risk Management Division respectfully requests that this project be closed out by consensus. GSD Risk Management Division will pursue funding for this project again in FY14. 11/8/2018