Organization Development Chapter 14 11/8/2018 DeSimone et al. (2002) HRD3e CH14
Questions to Consider - 1 Is it sufficient to focus HRD efforts on individuals, or should we also consider interventions at the group and organizational level? How can we assist individuals, groups, and organizations in successfully dealing with change? 11/8/2018 DeSimone et al. (2002) HRD3e CH14
Questions to Consider - 2 Is it really possible to “transform” an entire organization? What might a “high performance work system” look like? 11/8/2018 DeSimone et al. (2002) HRD3e CH14
Organization Development (OD) Definition: “A process used to enhance both the effectiveness of an organization and the well-being of its members through planned interventions.” 11/8/2018 DeSimone et al. (2002) HRD3e CH14
Organization Development Theories Two main categories of OD theories: Change process theory – how does change take place? Implementation theory – how can change strategies be put into practice? 11/8/2018 DeSimone et al. (2002) HRD3e CH14
Organization Development Theories Change process theory – seeks to explain how organizations improve and change. According to Lewin and Schein, there are three stages: Unfreezing Moving/Change Refreezing 11/8/2018 DeSimone et al. (2002) HRD3e CH14
Organization Development Theories Implementation theory – how specific intervention strategies are designed and carried out. Four main types: Human processual theory Technostructural theory Sociotechnical systems theory Organization transformation theory 11/8/2018 DeSimone et al. (2002) HRD3e CH14
Caution About Organization Development Research Concerns have been expressed about much of the OD research that has been conducted: Lack of experimental designs. Lack of resources available. Limitations in field research designs used. Potential bias by researchers. Lack of motivation to conduct strong research. 11/8/2018 DeSimone et al. (2002) HRD3e CH14
What is Needed? A Model of Planned Change Porras & Silvers Model (four parts): Change Organizational Individual Organizational Intervention Target Organizational Outcomes Variables Member 11/8/2018 DeSimone et al. (2002) HRD3e CH14
A Model of Planned Change Porras & Silvers Model: Change intervention (two categories): Organization transformation Organization development Organizational target variables: Vision (beliefs, purpose, mission) Work setting (organizing arrangements, social factors, technology, physical setting) 11/8/2018 DeSimone et al. (2002) HRD3e CH14
A Model of Planned Change Porras & Silvers Model: Individual organizational member: Cognitive change (four types): Alpha change Beta change Gamma (A) change Gamma (B) change Behavior change 11/8/2018 DeSimone et al. (2002) HRD3e CH14
A Model of Planned Change Porras & Silvers Model: Organizational outcomes: Improved organizational performance Enhanced individual development Question: What is the value of this model? 11/8/2018 DeSimone et al. (2002) HRD3e CH14
Designing an Intervention Strategy - 1 Specific Roles: Change Manager Oversees the design of the strategy; bears ultimate responsibility. Change Agent Assists the Change Manager; facilitates the activities involved. Internal Change Agent (often an HRD professional) External Change Agent (consultant) Individuals Labor Unions 11/8/2018 DeSimone et al. (2002) HRD3e CH14
Designing an Intervention Strategy - 2 Systems Approach: Diagnose the Environment e.g., force field analysis Develop an Action Plan Objectives, activities, “details” Evaluate the Results of the Intervention. 11/8/2018 DeSimone et al. (2002) HRD3e CH14
Types of Interventions: Human Processual Survey Feedback The systematic collection of survey data. Fed back to groups to promote problem solving and change. Team Building A process to improve a group’s problem-solving abilities. Example: Process consultation. 11/8/2018 DeSimone et al. (2002) HRD3e CH14
Types of Interventions: Technostructural Job Enlargement Adding variety through similar tasks. Job Enrichment Increasing responsibility, knowledge of results, and meaningfulness of work. Alternative Work Schedules Compressed workweek Flextime work Schedule 11/8/2018 DeSimone et al. (2002) HRD3e CH14
Types of Interventions: Sociotechnical Systems Quality Circles Involving employees in work decisions. Total Quality Management (TQM) Continuous improvement efforts. Self-Managing Teams (SMTs) Team members have authority to make decisions and regulate the team’s activities. 11/8/2018 DeSimone et al. (2002) HRD3e CH14
Types of Interventions: Sociotechnical Systems Total Quality Management (TQM) Five basic components: Total commitment from senior management. Quality standards and measures in place. Training in quality for all employees (including Statistical Process Control). Programs/ways to reward, recognize, and celebrate quality achievements. Strong quality communication efforts. 11/8/2018 DeSimone et al. (2002) HRD3e CH14
Types of Interventions: Sociotechnical Systems Self-Managing Teams Basic components: Interdependence among team members. Individual members have discretion/authority to make important work decisions. Individual members possess a variety of skills, so that they can perform multiple tasks. The team receives regular performance feedback. 11/8/2018 DeSimone et al. (2002) HRD3e CH14
Types of Interventions: Organizational Transformation Cultural Interventions Efforts to change the values, norms, or ways of thinking in an organization. Strategic Changes Fundamental changes in the purpose or mission of an organization. Becoming a Learning Organization Beyond TQM, to continuous learning and improvement for all employees. High Performance Work Systems 11/8/2018 DeSimone et al. (2002) HRD3e CH14
Types of Interventions: Organizational Transformation Becoming a Learning Organization Dimensions that support learning: Organization structure – more collaborative and team-based. Information acquisition, sharing, and retention – effective knowledge and information sharing. HRM practices – all reinforce learning. Organizational culture – promotes learning. Leadership – supportive (at all levels). 11/8/2018 DeSimone et al. (2002) HRD3e CH14
Types of Interventions: Organizational Transformation High Performance Work Systems Eight core principles: Alignment to organizational strategy. Clear goals and outcomes (all levels, all aligned). Work is organized around processes. Active tracking and management of results. Work units are linked to identified processes. Accountability, cycle time, and responsiveness emphasized. Collaboration, trust, and mutual support are present. Emphasis on strategic change management. 11/8/2018 DeSimone et al. (2002) HRD3e CH14
Some Concluding Thoughts on Organization Development - 1 Effectiveness: There is evidence for the effectiveness of particular OD interventions. However, there is much room for improvement (in the research designs used, and the results obtained). Recent efforts have stressed “change management.” 11/8/2018 DeSimone et al. (2002) HRD3e CH14
Some Concluding Thoughts on Organization Development - 2 Many HRD applications can be viewed as OD interventions: Human Processual: career development, coaching, orientation Technostructural: skills/technical training Sociotechnical: team and quality training Organization transformation: EAPs, management development 11/8/2018 DeSimone et al. (2002) HRD3e CH14
DeSimone et al. (2002) HRD3e CH14 Summary Organization development can be difficult! Reluctance/resistance to change. Success is most likely with: An appropriate model of change. The appropriate methods/interventions. A systems approach (e.g., high performance work systems, HRD process model). Need a dual focus on organizational performance and employee well-being. 11/8/2018 DeSimone et al. (2002) HRD3e CH14