Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 308-311 (February 2016) Post-Translational Regulation of FLOWERING LOCUS T Protein in Arabidopsis Soo-Jin Kim, Sung Myun Hong, Seong Jeon Yoo, Suhyun Moon, Hye Seung Jung, Ji Hoon Ahn Molecular Plant Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 308-311 (February 2016) DOI: 10.1016/j.molp.2015.11.001 Copyright © 2016 The Author Terms and Conditions
Figure 1 Regulation of FT at the Protein Level. (A) FT protein levels during the floral transition under LD conditions. Comparison of the patterns of FT protein and FT mRNA from days 8 to 12 under LD conditions. Bars indicate day (white) and night (black). ZT, zeitgeber time. (B and C) Levels of FT protein and FT mRNA in photoperiod-shifted plants (SD-LD-SD) (B) and levels of FT protein and FT mRNA in photoperiod-shifted plants (LD-SD-LD) (C). Note that AP1 expression was not detected even after LD treatment (B). A gray box indicates SD-treated period. (D) In vivo degradation assays after application of protease inhibitors to LD-SD-shifted wild-type plants. (E) (Left) Flowering time distribution of plants treated with E-64 and chymostatin under LD conditions. Bar represents 1 cm. (Right) Western blots of crude protein extracts from wild-type plants treated with E-64 and chymostatin after transition to SD conditions. (F) Stability of C-terminal-truncated FT proteins. Western blot analysis of protein extracts from 35S:FTΔ166, 35S:FTΔ167, and 35S:FTΔ168 plants using anti-FT antibody after treatment with cycloheximide (left). In vitro cell-free degradation assay using total proteins from 35S:FT, 35S:FT E167A, and 35S:FT S168A plants (right), after which protein levels were detected by western blot using anti-FT antibody. MOCK and CHX indicate DMSO control and cycloheximide-treated samples, respectively. (G) Flowering time of plants overexpressing FT, FT E167A, FT S168A, FTΔ166, FTΔ167, or FTΔ168 under LD conditions. Error bars indicate the standard deviation. Molecular Plant 2016 9, 308-311DOI: (10.1016/j.molp.2015.11.001) Copyright © 2016 The Author Terms and Conditions