The Greater Miami Valley EMS Council Skills Evaluator 2018 Welcome participants to the Skills Evaluator Update. Remember to thank them for dedicating their time to EMS Education.
Our Agenda Protocol Changes Role/Responsibilities of Skills Evaluator How to manage required Skills Stations How to manage optional Skills Stations How to manage Mega-Codes Standing Orders Skills Check-offs Standing Orders CBT The purpose of this update is to ensure that Skills Evaluators are aware of their responsibilities; changes in Region 3 Standing Orders; and know how to facilitate annual skills evaluations and Mega-Codes. During this session, participants will also be evaluated including Skills, Special Vascular Access, Mega-Codes, and Written exam. Participants must score ≥84% in order to become Skills Evaluators.
Objectives At the end of the Skills Evaluator Update, participants should be able to: Identify the changes in GMVEMSC Standing Orders for 2018 Understand the role/responsibilities of the Skills Evaluator Describe the process for setting up and administering required and optional Skills and Mega-Code stations Successfully complete annual Skills Competencies Successfully complete 2018 CBT with a score of ≥84% Review the objectives in order to remain compliant and receive EMS continuing ed hours.
Standing Orders Update Areas of Concentration for 2018 The Protocols 2018 Changes Remember-Optional Areas are NOT tested by GMVEMSC
Standing Orders Update Changes Implementation Guide Optional Skills Guide
Skills Evaluator Role: Responsibilities: facilitate the set up and execution of annual competency evaluations for EMS Providers Responsibilities: Educate and evaluate EMS Providers knowledge, skills, and ability to perform essential patient-care skills Facilitate the administration of Annual Skills Evaluation Coordinate the administration of Mega-Code scenarios Work with Department Training Officer to assure accurate and complete documentation of 2018 competency evaluations Review the role of the Skills Evaluator; emphasize the importance of efficient planning and coordination. Review the responsibilities of the Skills Evaluator; emphasize the importance of each, including the need to be fair and consistent.
Skills Stations Purpose Administrative considerations Equipment needs Physical needs This section includes reviewing the purpose, administrative considerations, equipment needs, and physical needs.
Skills Stations GMVEMSC approved Skills Evaluator EMS-Instructor Purpose - review and evaluation of ability to perform essential EMS skills appropriate to their level of practice Administrative Who can administer?: GMVEMSC approved Skills Evaluator EMS-Instructor What to administer? Based on level of certification Paperwork Skills sheets Optional skills Testing Summary The purpose of skills stations is to review and evaluate the ability of EMS Providers to perform essential skills appropriate to their level of certification. Administratively, only GMVEMSC approved Skills Evaluators may serve as evaluators for skills updates. EMS-Instructors must have successfully passed their Standing Orders exam with a score of 84 or better, submitted a copy of their credentials to GMVEMSC, and attend Skills Evaluator session. All Evaluators must complete documentation including skills sheets, optional skills, and the testing summary (Mega-Code summary)
Skills Stations Equipment needs Physical needs Needs list available Be able to accommodate multiple stations Be able to accommodate multiple participants Quiet area-no interruptions Equipment lists are available that outline the items needed to run the skills sessions. Remind participants that they need adequate space to assure that they can run multiple stations with multiple participants simultaneously. The area should be quiet, allowing for minimal distractions so participants can concentrate on learning and be fairly evaluated without distraction.
Skills-failure Failure of 1st attempt Failure of 2nd attempt Identify area(s) of weakness Provide remediation and supervised practice Schedule and conduct re-testing Complete appropriate documentation Failure of 2nd attempt Develop remediation plan, including supervised practice – requires notification and approval of Medical Director Secure authorization for 3rd attempt When an EMS Provider fails any component of their skills-testing, the Evaluator must identify area(s) of weakness, provide remediation (including supervised practice), schedule and conduct re-testing, and complete all appropriate documentation. Following a 2nd failure, the Evaluator must identify area(s) of weakness, develop a remediation plan (including supervised practice), secure authorization for a 3rd attempt (from Department Chief and Medical Director), schedule and conduct re-testing, and complete all appropriate documentation. Remember that GMVEMSC recommends a two-week delay following the second failure prior to the third attempt. When conducting a third attempt, consider having a second proctor present and video-taping the session to improve documentation.
Managing Mega-Codes Purpose Administrative considerations Equipment needs Physical needs This section includes reviewing the purpose, administrative considerations, equipment needs, and physical needs related to Mega-Codes.
Mega-Codes Purpose Administrative Scenarios Testing Summary Review and evaluation of ability to deliver critical care and perform critical thinking during a resuscitation Administrative Who can administer?: Department Medical Director or their designee (must be Skills Evaluator, encouraged to be ACLS Instructor) Paperwork Scenarios Testing Summary The purpose of Mega-Code stations is to review and evaluate the ability of EMS Providers to perform critical care during a resuscitation. This station now includes a verbal medication-administration component. Only the Department Medical Director or their designee (who must be a Skills Evaluator, encouraged to be ACLS Instructor as well) can administer this station. Essential paperwork for Mega-Codes includes the scenarios, medication sheets, and testing summaries for each level of provider.
Mega-Codes Equipment needs Physical needs Lists available Be able to accommodate at least two scenarios (Adult & Pediatric) Quiet area (for both)-no interruptions Equipment lists are available outlining the items needed for Mega-Codes. Remind participants that they need to be able to accommodate at least two scenarios. The area must be quiet, allowing for minimal distractions so participants can be fairly evaluated without distraction.
Summary Purpose of annual competencies: assure knowledge, skills, and abilities of EMS provider are aligned with expectations of Regional Standing Orders, Medical Directors, and our Patients. Be Fair, Be consistent – Regionally Best Patient Care The goal of this session has been to assure that regionally, we are evaluating the knowledge, skills, and abilities of EMS Providers to deliver pre-hospital patient care. Your role is to administer this evaluation fairly and consistently. Our role in administering this is, as always, to ensure that best patient care is delivered in our Regional EMS System.