ISAC/ODP Priorities for Improvement Where are we now? 11/8/2018
Where are we now? Communication 2015 IM4Q DATA
Where are we now? Promote Self-Direction Individuals and Families have more Choice and Control: Self-directed Services NCI data shows the rate of using a self-directed option increased in 2012-2013 and in 2014-2015. NCI DATA Total Respondents 4,987
Where are we now? Community Employment People have Support to Find and Maintain Community Integrated Employment IM group had the lowest rate of having a job in the community 2015 DATA
Where are we now? Support Families Families are Supported throughout the Lifespan: Information and Planning NCI data shows the rate family members always or usually get enough information to help plan services increased from 2014 to 2015. NCI-PA Adult Family Survey Total Respondents 748
Where are we now? Support Families Families are Supported throughout the Lifespan: Information and Planning NCI data shows the rate family members find information about services and supports easy to understand decreased slightly from 2014 to 2015. NCI-PA Adult Family Survey Total N = 731
Health, Wellness, and Safety are Promoted: Healthy Weight Where are we now? Health, Wellness, & Safety Health, Wellness, and Safety are Promoted: Healthy Weight NCI data show that less than one-third of those interviewed had normal weight, while in 2014 more than 60% were either overweight or obese. NCI Data Total N 1,305 Respondents
IM4Q Scales 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 11/8/2018