National Case Management Week October 7-13, 2018
National Case Management Week October 7-13, 2018 Contents Overview Information on what National Case Management Week is and ideas for recognizing staff Presentation Template Template for educating others about case management and its importance to your hospital Places for you to insert your hospital specific data National Case Management Week October 7-13, 2018
National Case Management Week October 7-13, 2018 Background American Case Management Association (ACMA) National Case Management Recognition Week Recognize Certification – ACM™ Recognition Day Importance of recognition for case management services Selecting an annual case management recognition theme for celebration Recognition event suggestions National Case Management Week October 7-13, 2018
American Case Management Association (ACMA) The ACMA is the first case management association specifically designed to address the needs and concerns of health care delivery system-based case managers and transitions of care professionals The ACMA offers solutions to support the collaborative practice of hospital/health system case management & transitions of care professionals As the Case Management profession grew, additional care settings are represented in ACMA inlcuiding long-term care, rehabilitation, clinics, and surgery centers National Case Management Week October 7-13, 2018
Celebrate ACM™ Recognition Day Wednesday, October 10, is a day set aside to recognize those that have obtained the Accredited Case Manager (ACMTM) certification. Certification validates knowledge and demonstrates commitment to the profession. Shine a light on the hard work and achievement of your ACM team and help promote awareness of the certification program! Be sure to follow ACM: Accredited Case Manager For exclusive ACM™ offers and announcements:
Importance of Recognition for Case Management Services The goal of this event is to create an opportunity for organizations, managers and teams to acknowledge the unique role of case managers (and those who support this process) in the delivery of high quality and cost effective health care services. National Case Management Week October 7-13, 2018
Importance of Recognition of Case Management Services Patients will have better access to the services of a case manager once physicians and ancillary staff have an increased understanding of the CM role. Greater recognition for the effectiveness of case management practice will assist leadership in hospitals/health systems in assessing the quality of their structures and processes to determine if their case management programs are fully supported. National Case Management Week October 7-13, 2018
National Case Management Week October 7-13, 2018 Recognition Event Suggestions Case Management Department Open House Community Resource Fair Case Management Staff Achievement Awards Ceremony Case Management In-Service Program Gifts such as Bags, Coffee Mugs, T-shirts, Name Badge Holders and other items with theme/logo - available to order Letter to Hospital Administration (CNO/CEO) announcing National Case Management Week National Case Management Week October 7-13, 2018
National Case Management Week October 7-13, 2018 Recognition Event Suggestions Hold a drawing with prizes for entries from all working in Case Management Present Certificates of Achievement for Staff Team/Group Photos to put on social media or display in departments Display Storyboard Results/Outcome Projects Offer Education Sessions, Lunch and Learn or Webinar for Case Management Services National Case Management Week October 7-13, 2018
Presentation to Your Leaders & Peers The Goal of Health Care Delivery System Case Management Case Management Core Functions Key Outcomes of Case Management National Case Management Week October 7-13, 2018
The Goal of Health Care Delivery System for Case Management National Case Management Week October 7-13, 2018
Health Care Delivery System for Case Management The goal of case management is to maintain optimal patient health status across the continuum of care in a manner that emphasizes both individual control over decisions and stewardship of resources regardless of provider. National Case Management Week October 7-13, 2018
National Case Management Week October 7-13, 2018 Our Team Roles (Describe Your Department-specific Team , Roles and Metrics) National Case Management Week October 7-13, 2018
Health Care Delivery System Case Management Case Management practice is the catalyst for a collaborative approach to care that is critical in meeting the complex clinical and psychosocial needs of patients and their families. National Case Management Week October 7-13, 2018
Our Case Management Team (Insert Your Organizational Chart to Illustrate Your Relationship with Other Departments and Services) National Case Management Week October 7-13, 2018
Case Management Core Functions National Case Management Week October 7-13, 2018
Professional Background The majority of case managers in acute care settings are nurses and social workers who often work together as a team. Vitally important in healthcare today, case managers play such an essential role in hospitals and health systems that they are almost becoming the face of care. CM professionals work across the organization teaming with physicians, physicians advisors and adminsitrators to improve care. National Case Management Week October 7-13, 2018
Common Roles of a Case Manager Clinical Assessment Care Coordination Patient Education Counseling Case Monitoring and/or Clinical Pathway Management Discharge Planning Resource Management Patient Advocacy (Can modify this list or customize to meet your specific organization’s defined roles) National Case Management Week October 7-13, 2018
National Case Management Week October 7-13, 2018 Our Case Managers (Add list of roles and areas of responsibility to specific to your organization) National Case Management Week October 7-13, 2018
Bridge to Interdisciplinary Team The case manager creates the appropriate linkages with the health care team, insurance companies and community-based agencies to coordinate and implement a plan of care that is in keeping with the best interests of the patient and their family. (Modify description/customize to meet specific organizational role) National Case Management Week October 7-13, 2018
Case Management Key Outcomes National Case Management Week October 7-13, 2018
Integral to Key Outcomes Case Management programs have been proven to increase organizational performance in areas such as: Clinical Outcomes Patient Satisfaction Resource Utilization Financial Outcomes National Case Management Week October 7-13, 2018
Our Outcomes Due to Case Management Insert examples of outcomes Insert examples of outcomes and results National Case Management Week October 7-13, 2018