Palm oil is a very convenient product Palm oil is a very convenient product. It is cheap to produce and allows a wide range of products to last much longer. So, why the fuss?
Whether we like it or not, we live in an increasingly globalized world Whether we like it or not, we live in an increasingly globalized world. The choices we make as consumers in Malta affect the global environment and also the different living organisms around the world. Borneo
Palm oil is pressed from the fleshy fruit of the palm tree, a species native to Africa. The use of palm oil has risen dramatically in recent years – a third of all vegetable oil used worldwide is palm oil.
Palm oil is popular because: you can get up to five to eight times more yield from the same amount of land compared to other vegetable oils of its relatively low labour costs, sometimes due to forced or child labour.
But at what cost to the planet. To our precious rainforests But at what cost to the planet? To our precious rainforests? To endangered species? To biodiversity? To the tribes living in the rainforests? Who is holding the multinational corporations in charge of palm oil plantations accountable? Who is curbing their excesses?