Class of 2014 College Planning Night The HSHS Counseling Department Presents: Class of 2014 College Planning Night
Exploration Phase (Frosh – Junior Year) Application Phase (Fall Senior Year) Decision Phase (Spring Senior Year) Big List 30-40 Small List 4-8 Final Choice 1 Family Connection District 86 College Fair College Rep Visits Campus Visits Junior Planning Conference Net Price Calculators College Countdown’s Financial Fit Program Application Completion Senior Seminar Application Mania HSHS Writing Lab (essay revision) Office of Admission Websites Office of Financial Aid Websites MAY 1 DEADLINE Big = 50 schools you want to learn about Small = Reach, Match, Clear Admit Final Choice = Your Future Institution
EXPLORATION PHASE Academic Fit Financial Fit Feel Fit Resources Family Connection College Countdown – Financial Fit Program Campus Visits College Reps Guiding Questions Do I match the academic profile (Reach, match, clear admit, etc)? Does the college have the academic programs you need (majors)? Do you anticipate academic success at the institution? What can you afford to pay yearly as a family? Have you used Net Price Calculators to estimate aid packages? What are you willing to borrow to pay for college costs? Do you feel comfortable at the college? Does the school offer experiences and programs you’re interested in? Do the mission and culture match what you are looking for?
Traditional College Search
Family Connection
EXPLORATION PHASE Academic Fit Financial Fit Feel Fit Resources Family Connection College Countdown – Financial Fit Program Campus Visits College Reps Guiding Questions Do I match the academic profile (Reach, match, clear admit, etc)? Does the college have the academic programs you need (majors)? Do you anticipate academic success at the institution? What can you afford to pay yearly as a family? Have you used Net Price Calculators to estimate aid packages? What are you willing to borrow to pay for college costs? Do you feel comfortable at the college? Does the school offer experiences and programs you’re interested in? Do the mission and culture match what you are looking for?
Financial Fit
Financial Fit – Net Price Calculator Example Financial Data Parent’s combined Adjusted Gross Income, Student’s AGI, Reportable Savings. EFC Calculate your Families EFC with the FAFSA 4caster at GPA & ACT Know your child’s GPA and ACT score.
Financial Fit – Net Price Calculator Example Financial Data Parent’s combined Adjusted Gross Income, Student’s AGI, Reportable Savings. EFC Calculate your Families EFC with the FAFSA 4caster at GPA & ACT Know your child’s GPA and ACT score. Family of 4, 1 going to college. Parents Adjusted Gross Income $90,000 Parents Reportable Savings $20,000
Financial Fit – Net Price Calculator Example Financial Data Parent’s combined Adjusted Gross Income, Student’s AGI, Reportable Savings. EFC Calculate your Families EFC with the FAFSA 4caster at GPA & ACT Know your child’s GPA and ACT score. Family of 4, 1 going to college. Parents Adjusted Gross Income $90,000 Parents Reportable Savings $20,000 Students Income $4,000 Students Savings $0
Financial Fit – Net Price Calculator Example Financial Data Parent’s combined Adjusted Gross Income, Student’s AGI, Reportable Savings. EFC Calculate your Families EFC with the FAFSA 4caster at GPA & ACT Know your child’s GPA and ACT score. Family of 4, 1 going to college. Parents Adjusted Gross Income $90,000 Parents Reportable Savings $20,000 Students Income $4,000 Students Savings $0 Estimated EFC $14,500
Financial Fit – Net Price Calculator Example Financial Data Parent’s combined Adjusted Gross Income, Student’s AGI, Reportable Savings. EFC Calculate your Families EFC with the FAFSA 4caster at GPA & ACT Know your child’s GPA and ACT score. Family of 4, 1 going to college. Parents Adjusted Gross Income $90,000 Parents Reportable Savings $20,000 Students Income $4,000 Students Savings $0 Estimated EFC $14,500 GPA 4.75/5.0 ACT 28
Financial Fit – Net Price Calculators
University of Illinois Truman State University NPC Review University of Illinois Truman State University Harvard College Total Cost $33,922 $20,770* *Books & Misc NOT Added $58,450 Gift Aid $0 $6,500 $47,425 Direct Student Loan $5,500 Net Price $28,422 $8,770 $5,525
Financial Fit ISU SIUE WIU Ball State Truman State School Name ISU SIUE WIU Ball State Truman State Wisconsin Eau Claire Indiana Michigan Iowa Northwestern Notre Dame Harvard Marquette DePaul U of Tampa St. Ambrose Augustana Benedictine College of DuPage Lewis
Financial Fit School Net Price ISU $14,086 SIUE $14,859 WIU $16,103 Ball State $17,069 Truman State $8,770 Wisconsin EuClaire $17,926 Indiana $32,568 Michigan $35,564 Iowa $21,676 Northwestern $17,690 Notre Dame $10,610 Harvard $5,525 Marquette $27,864 DePaul $26,618 U of Tampa $19,500 St. Ambrose $18,255 Augustana $18,593 Benedictine $15,212 College of DuPage $1,103 Lewis $13,620
Financial Fit School Net Price ISU $14,086 SIUE $14,859 WIU $16,103 Ball State $17,069 Truman State $8,770 Wisconsin EuClaire $17,926 Indiana $32,568 Michigan $35,564 Iowa $21,676 Northwestern $17,690 Notre Dame $10,610 Harvard $5,525 Marquette $27,864 DePaul $26,618 U of Tampa $19,500 St. Ambrose $18,255 Augustana $18,593 Benedictine $15,212 College of DuPage $1,103 Lewis $13,620
Flagship Out of State – University of… School Net Price Alabama $28,500 Kentucky $23,300 Arizona $31,500 Louisville $19,750 Arizona State $16,500 Michigan $35,564 Colorado $40,900 Missouri $21,300 Illinois (In-State) $26,900 Penn State $37,100 Iowa $21,600 Wisconsin $33,200
Flagship Out of State – University of… School Net Price Alabama $28,500 Kentucky $23,300 Arizona $31,500 Louisville $19,750 Arizona State $16,500 Michigan $35,564 Colorado $40,900 Missouri $21,300 Illinois (In-State) $26,900 Penn State $37,100 Iowa $21,600 Wisconsin $33,200
EXPLORATION PHASE Academic Fit Financial Fit Feel Fit Resources Family Connection College Countdown – Financial Fit Program Campus Visits College Reps Guiding Questions Do I match the academic profile (Reach, match, clear admit, etc)? Does the college have the academic programs you need (majors)? Do you anticipate academic success at the institution? What can you afford to pay yearly as a family? Have you used Net Price Calculators to estimate aid packages? What are you willing to borrow to pay for college costs? Do you feel comfortable at the college? Does the school offer experiences and programs you’re interested in? Do the mission and culture match what you are looking for?
District 86 College Night April 16, 2013 – Hinsdale Central Field House, 7-9 p.m.
College Rep Visits
College Rep Visits
Campus Visits
Application Phase Complete the Application Online Application Form - You must complete all material required for application and submit your application on or before the published deadlines. You should be the sole author of your applications. Essay or Personal Statement, if needed. Supplemental Information (resume, portfolio, etc), if needed. Application Fee – paid online (see your counselor for a waiver if you receive Free or Reduced Lunch) Transcript Request Form Possible Supporting Documentation Secondary School Report/Counselor Form (if needed) Teacher Recommendations (if needed)
This is your transcript format – let’s dissect it like a college will.
Official Scores – HSHS all or nothing sending Test Prep Multiple Scores
Page 2 = Test Scores
University of Illinois Students are asked to write two essays: How have your past circumstances and experiences (such as your upbringing, community, and/or activities) impacted who you are, your future goals, and your choice of major? If you haven't decided on a college or major yet, briefly explain your intentions and aspirations for your first year at Illinois. Please limit your response to approximately 300 words. In no more than 300 words, tell us something about yourself that isn't covered elsewhere in this application, some interest or experience of yours that you think the University of Illinois should know about as part of the admissions review.
University of Chicago
Family Connection Search
College Information Sessions