Academic Success UT Martin Style
Freshman are friends….. NOT FOOD Welcome to UT Martin! It is a great day to be a Skyhawk and we are privileged that you have chosen us as your home for the next 4 years. UT Martin is recognized for its high quality education, small classroom sizes and friendly faculty. It will be important to you meet the faculty in your department and know your professors. Although some of these characters DO look like some of our professors, we do not eat Freshman for breakfast. Freshman are friends….. NOT FOOD
Success is YOUR responsibility Get organized and Get READY High school 7 hours a day/5 days a week 7 hours x 5 days = 35 hours per week College 15 credits = 15 hours in the classroom MWF 10:00 to 10:50 (3 hours a week) TR 10:00 to 11:15 (3 hours a week) 35 – 15 = 20 hours to STUDY Some of you are coming to UTM with lots of Dual Enrollment or Dual Credit hours. Some of you have just completed Advanced Placement classes and test and some of you did not attend a high school where you had these opportunities. Either way, you are here AND you had to meet our entrance requirements, so UT Martin is recognizing your accomplishments and knows that you are ready for this challenge.
A DEGREE Soar in Four 15 hours (credit) a semester 2 semesters a year = 30 credits per year 30 credits x 4 years = 120 credits 120 credits = A DEGREE The reason you are here is to get a degree! Or, find a degree path. Know that everyone in this room is dedicated to helping you make this happen. Students EARN grades, grades are not given. Work hard and work smart. Your degree is only 4 shorts years away. If you think about it, your high school years [probably] went by quickly.
Exploratory Majors Get into a major QUICKLY Time spent Lengthens the time to your degree Don’t know? Go to Career Planning and Development!! Exploratory majors are not degrees. You will have to quickly find an academic degree pathway. It is smart to get into a department as soon as you can. If you do not know what you want to do, then you need to visit the Career Planning and Development center. They will help you explore your options and discover your strengths and interests. Advising is complicated if you do not have an academic plan.
Math & English Complete Math and English YOUR FIRST YEAR Know the requirements for your major Take 100 level classes in your department Students who complete these classes are more successful in college!! Research shows us that students who complete their Math and English in their first year…are more successful. Additionally, take classes that are 100 or 200 level classes in your department. Get some exposure to what your degree might be like. If you know you are going to struggle in Math and or English… seek assistance early on. Going to tutoring is SMART and not punishment. Do you know WHO goes to tutoring all the time? The smart kids. Why, because they accept what they don’t know and seek help. Don’t think that “you’ve got this”….
Buy Your Books This is not a LOAN! It is a request to take the cost of your books out of your REFUND check. (MAX $750) Your check will be for the refund amount minus the cost of your books.
Official Email Your UT Martin email is the OFFICIAL mode of communication on campus. YOU MUST CHECK YOUR UT Martin email account regularly You can forward your email to your personal email “I didn’t know” is NEVER the correct response!
21st Century Access UT Martin Portal Banner Self-Service (grades, Fin. Aid, Advisor, schedule, holds, addresses, etc.) Canvas – online class assistant Flight Plan UT Martin email Library OrgSync – +120 clubs Handshake – job finding service
21st Century Access
CLASS GRADES Canvas – “classroom management system” Class assistant online for most classes Syllabus Assignments/homework Due dates Videos Reading Submitting assignments CLASS GRADES
How do I know Degree Audit programs FlightPlan This program lists all the classes in a degree program. You can “run” this online audits at any time AND use it for a “what if I change my major” scenario.
Grade Point Average Know how to calculate your GPA This will be taught in GENS 101 3 different GPA’s UTM GPA (UTM classes only, excluding dual enrollment/Credit, repeated course grades replaced) Lottery GPA (UTM GPA only with repeated course grades averaged) Overall GPA (UTM GPA + Dual enrollment/Credit)
Disability Resources Student must register with Disability Resources Accommodations in the classroom can be: Note taker, extended time on tests Assistive technology Quiet test taking environment Recorders/closed captions/sign language
Disability Resources Now is NOT the time to decide you can handle college WITHOUT: Your medication Assistance Accommodations Disabilities can be temporary
Success Counselors Each Freshman will have a Success Counselor Meet twice a semester Transition from high school to college Assist with problem solving My ID card doesn’t work I can’t find my class and my roommate I think I’m in the wrong major I lost my calculator I am homesick
It doesn’t take much to become a train wreck
Success Counselors Help the student find academic help Start with your Professors Supplemental Instruction Small Group S.T.E.M. tutoring Writing Center Reading Center Mathematics Learning Center
Veteran Services If you are a dependent of a Veteran Drawing benefits or not There are services available to you UC 232 Veterans Lounge Johnny Dyer, Veterans Services Coordinator
Student Success Center Clement Hall Success Counselors Disability Resources Small Group S.T.E.M. Tutoring Supplemental Instruction Academic Warning (probation) Counseling (GPA below 2.0) Conditional Admit advising
Time Management Remember you have 20 hours a week to study…. Plan them out Organization Planner Class Attendance Develop good habits Every student needs to study!
Study Tips Go to the Library Find your preferred method of studying Databases Find your preferred method of studying 20-30 minutes is better than cramming Build relationship with Professors and other students
Parents You know your student best Encourage them Ask to see their grades and what is posted on Canvas Come to campus and go to a game with them Support their involvement in a club ENGAGED students THRIVE better!