Finance PRC – February 2018 Air Force Fund Code Request Process Angel Sweetser, Systems Accountant Air Force Accounting Requirements – DFAS-Columbus Integrity - Service - Innovation
Air Force Fund Code Request Process 11/8/2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation DFAS-CO FORM 3003 Process Begins with the customer filling out DFAS-CO Form 3003. Types of Data Provided: Appropriation/Limit Fiscal Years Applicable OAC/OBAN Type of Funds Subsidiary Data Required Systems Impacted Interfund/Non-Interfund 11/8/2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation DFAS-CO FORM 247 (PART I) Upon receipt of the Fund Code Request, DFAS-CO/JBM Policy Team fills out Form 247. Part I includes: Fund Code Assigned Appropriation/Limit/FY Fund Code Description Coordination Requirements 11/8/2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation DFAS-CO FORM 247 (PART II) Form 247, Part II contains data element information needed when building the fund code in GAFS-BL and DCMS-DMB, as well as updating MAFR Tables. These Data Elements include: Fund Code Fund Type MAFR Codes MART Codes Allocation Codes 11/8/2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation MAFR CODES Air Force MAFR Codes are split up by Disbursements and Reimbursements. When Interfund is indicated, a MAFR N is always needed. Since interfund is considered a For-Self Transaction, other MAFR Codes may be needed, including a MAFR A, and a S or T, depending on the fund type. 11/8/2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation
DCMS-DMB: APPROPRIATION REPORT The Appropriation Report Table in DMB shows the appropriation history. It indicates which fiscal years are still open, and the beginning and ending year of availability. Since the Air Force does not create a new fund code each year for the same appropriation, this screen shows what years are still available. The increment Year column is “Y” if the appropriation needs to be built in following FY. 11/8/2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation
DCMS-DMB: APPROPRIATION RULES REPORT The Appropriation Rules Report in DMB determines how transactions containing this appropriation will be handled by the accounting system. The DCMS Code is the MAFR Code. Form 247 tells the MART team which codes to build in the Appropriation Rules for a particular fund code. Data Select Codes are used to determine which indicators are needed when processing a transaction with a particular MAFR Code. 11/8/2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation Data Select Codes Data Select Codes communicate processing requirements to the various MART programs for building keys, validating MAFR transactions, and creating/editing report records. The codes indicate when a data element is required, and what action is needed, depending on which system is processing the transaction. 11/8/2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation
DCMS-DMB: APPROPRIATION ACCOUNT CLASS The Appropriation Account Classification Report in DMB shows how the appropriation is set up for different data elements required by the Appropriation Rules Report. The RC is the MAFR Code. For each data element difference, a new line is created. 11/8/2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Air Force Financial Management Data Dictionary Once a fund code is created and added to the MART, it is sent back to SAF/ FMP – AFFSO to add to the Air Force Financial Management Data Dictionary (FMDD). The FMDD contains a current listing of Financial Management codes (including future and historical). The codes are continually updated and maintained, and accessible via the FM Data Quality Service at Historical fund codes are not re-used in subsequent years for new appropriations. 11/8/2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation
Integrity - Service - Innovation MILSBILLS FC MONITOR If FC is for use with Interfund, AF Fund Code Monitor uses the DLA Transaction Services Fund Code Maintenance System to enter the FC and Appropriation for Signal Code A, B, J, or K. AF does not currently create a new fund code each year for the same appropriation. Most O&M appropriations utilize the #, even if the appropriation is a multi-year appropriation. 11/8/2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation
MILSBILLS FC MONITOR (cont) If Customer Requests Third Party Billing using Signal Code C or L, the Fund Code Monitor works with customer to determine Bill to DODAAC and Pseudo Fund Code and enters it into the Fund Code Maintenance System. The Pseudo Fund Codes are currently set up so that each base that uses third party billing has its own set of fund codes, usually starting with a different letter of the alphabet. Every effort is made to ensure that there is no conflict between the true fund codes in FMDD and pseudo fund codes on the MILSBILLS fund code table. 11/8/2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation
QUESTIONS? Angel Sweetser, Systems Accountant Air Force Accounting Requirements – DFAS-Columbus 11/8/2018 Integrity - Service - Innovation