GCSE Geography – What I need to know! Revision Checklist: Exam 2 The Human Environment Check-list Can do! Revise me! Changing cities : Urbanisation in the world today Trends in urbanisation over the past 50 years How and why urbanisation has occurred at different times and rates in different parts of the world and the effects. Distribution of the urban population in the UK and the location of its major urban centres. Factors causing this. Changing cities : Study of Birmingham, a major UK city Site and situation Structure of the city e.g. CBD, inner city, suburbs Sequence of urbanisation, suburbanisation, counter-urbanisation, re-urbanisation Causes of national and international migration and the impact on different parts of the city Key population characteristics of the city. Causes of deindustrialisation and impacts on the city
Revision Checklist: Exam 2 The Human Environment – continued Can do! Revise me! Changing cities- Study of Birmingham cont. How economic change is increasing inequality in the city and the differences in quality of life Recent changes in retailing and their impact on Birmingham. The range of possible strategies aimed at making urban living more sustainable and improving quality of life for Birmingham. Changing cities – case study of a major city in an emerging country – Mexico City Site and situation of Mexico City The land-use structure of Mexico City The effects of migration on Mexico City Inequality in Mexico City The effects of rapid urbanisation on Mexico City e.g. housing shortages, squatter settlements, under- employment, pollution etc. Advantages and disadvantages of both bottom-up and top-down approaches to solving Mexico City’s problems The role of government policies in improving the quality of life within Mexico City
Revision Checklist: Exam 2 The Human Environment – continued… Can do! Revise me! Global development Ways of defining development using economic and social measures Different factors which contribute to the development of a country e.g. economic, cultural How development is measured in different ways e.g. GDP, HDI Global pattern of development i.e. which countries are developed, developing and emerging? Reasons for differences in levels of development between countries The different ways of trying to reduce uneven development in the world today e.g. international aid Differences between top-down and bottom up development projects.
Revision Checklist: Exam 2 The Human Environment – continued… Can do! Revise me! Case study of development in an emerging country, India Describe the location and position of India Describe some facts about India e.g. size, population, political situation, climate Explain what the core (Mumbai) and the periphery (Bihar) in India is Explain how the economy has changed ( Agricultural and Manufacturing sectors in particular) Explain the changing balance between public investment and private investment Describe where India sends its aid money to Explain the changes in population structure and life expectancy in India Explain India’s relationships with other countries e.g. China and Pakistan Explain the positive and negative social, economic and environmental impacts of rapid development for India Explain how India’s government is trying to improve the quality of life for people in its country
Revision Checklist: Exam 2 The Human Environment – continued… Can do! Revise me! Resource management - overview Know the meaning of the key terms biotic, abiotic, renewable and non-renewable Describe the ways in which people exploit environments in order to obtain water, food and energy Explain how environments are changed by this exploitation Describe the global and UK variety and distribution of natural resources Describe the global patterns of consumption and usage of food, energy and water Energy resource management Describe what renewable and non-renewable energy is Describe the advantages and disadvantages of both renewable and non-renewable energy Know how renewable and ono-renewable energy resources are being developed for example wind farms Explain why different groups have different attitudes about using and producing energy from renewable and non-renewable energy sources Describe how China has attempted to manage its energy resources in a sustainable way e.g Three Gorges Dam Describe how Germany has attempted to manage its energy resources in a sustainable way e.g. through wind farms and solar farms
Revision Checklist: Unit 4 Urban Environments Can do! Revise me! Explain why LEDCs (developing countries) have a faster urban population growth than MEDCs (developed countries) What are the causes of urbanisation in LEDCs? Be able to explain the following: Rural to Urban Migration Push and pull factors (with examples) Natural increase What are the problems with urban growth? Understand why shanty towns develop Describe conditions in a shanty town such as Rocinha in Brazil Explain how living conditions can be improved in shanty towns: Low cost improvements Self-help schemes New towns to reduce overpopulation Community policing Education and skill – better jobs, more money etc Reducing urban deprivation in MEDCs Explain why urban areas can go into decline in MEDCs (industrial decline) What are the problems industrial decline brings to an area? Use Birmingham as an example Explain how Birmingham has been regenerated and how it has improved social, economic and environmental conditions Managing traffic Describe the main issues facing urban areas from traffic and congestion Explain how traffic can be managed successfully: Cambridgeshire guided bus way Manchester Metrolink
Revision Checklist: Unit 4 Urban Environments continued… Can do! Revise me! Environmental hazards in urban areas Give reasons how the development of urban areas puts pressure on the urban environment (eg increased traffic, more need for energy etc) Explain the environmental problems Los Angeles experiences Using Curitiba as an example explain how managing pollution can be successful. Be able to explain how the following point can improve the environment: Recycling of buildings Traffic-free centre Developing green urban space Sustainable cities Be able to give examples of what a city requires to become sustainable Know what an Ecological Footprint is Know where BEDzed is located and how it is reducing energy consumption in homes Explain why the Greenhouse project in Leeds is sustainable Understand what an Eco-city is Explain how Dongtan in China plans to be an Eco-city: Work Residential areas Transport Energy waste
Revision Checklist: Exam 2 The Human Environment – continued Can do! Revise me! Case study of development in India, an emerging country Location of the country in the world Know facts about the country e.g. climate, religion, states Regional contrasts in India- Mumbai and Bihar (core and periphery) Know how has agriculture has changed in the past 40 years Know how manufacturing has changed recently. Know how tourism is growing in India What are the demographic and social changes in India? How has the urbanisation rate changed in India since the year 2000? What is the education system like?