Teacher Resource for the Kentucky Alternate Assessment
Welcome When viewing a PowerPoint, links provided on a slide can be accessed by viewing in “Slide Show”. Also, on many screens there is a slide show option located on the tool bar at the top of the page (same line as home, insert, design, etc.) If you click there and then select “From Beginning” that should put the slides in slide show mode. KDE:OAA:DAS: ko: 8/10/2018
What Will Be Covered? Alternate Assessment E-Mail Receipt Alternate K-PREP Calendar Alternate K-PREP Webpage Alternate K-PREP Required Trainings Alternate K-PREP Contacts KDE:OAA:DAS: ko: 8/10/2018
Alternate Assessment E-Mail Receipt The Alternate Assessment E-Mail is distributed to teachers who have students participating in the Kentucky Alternate Assessment. The e-mail was designed to provide teachers with all information relating to the alternate assessment. If you are a new teacher it is very important that you submit your name to Kevin O’Hair at the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) to add your name to the distribution list. Kevin O’Hair KDE:OAA:DAS: ko: 8/10/2018
Alternate K-PREP Calendar Provides access to important dates for the upcoming school year. Can be found as part of the Alternate Assessment E- Mail or at the link provided below: Alternate K-PREP Resources KDE:OAA:DAS: ko: 8/10/2018
Important Dates August 27 Alternate K-PREP Overview and Attainment Tasks Combined Training Released September 24 Transition Attainment Record (TAR) Training Begins TAR Administration Begins October 22-26 Materials ship for Test Window 1 November 2 Alternate K-PREP Overview and Attainment Tasks Combined Training Closes November 5 Test Window 1 Officially Opens Student Registration Database (SRD Opens for Score Entry Window 1, Learner Characteristics Inventory (LCI) and TAR) December 14 Test Window 1 Officially Closes December 21 Last Day to Enter Scores in SRD for Test Window 1(TAR and LCI Remain Open) March 25-30(Option 1) Or April 1-5 (Option 2) Materials Ship for Test Window 2 April 15 Test Window 2 officially opens Student Registration Database (SRD Opens for Score Entry) May 24 Test Window 2 Officially Closes (Last Day to Administer Tasks) TAR Administration Ends June 5 Last Day to Enter Scores in SRD (Test Window 2, TAR and LCI) KDE:OAA:DAS: ko: 8/10/2018
Alternate K-PREP Webpage Alternate K-PREP AAAF Alternate K-PREP Aligned to KAS Standards Alternate K-PREP Communications Alternate K-PREP Resources Alternate K-PREP Trainings KDE:OAA:DAS: ko: 8/10/2018
Alternate K-PREP Trainings Overview/Attainment Tasks Training Overview/Attainment Task Training (August 27- November 2) Must be completed before administering any Attainment Tasks Overview/Attainment Task Training is for teachers with students in grades 3-12 (12 not administered in 2018-19 Social Studies Attainment Tasks) who will administer either a fall or spring Attainment Task KDE:OAA:DAS: ko: 8/10/2018
Alternate K-PREP Trainings Transition Attainment Record Training Transition Attainment Record Training (September 24- May 24) Transition Attainment Record (TAR) Training is for teachers with students in grades 10 and 11. Also, any students in grade 12 or grade 14 who did not meet benchmarks on the TAR at grade 11 are permitted to take the assessment again. The TAR document is the same for grades 10, 11, 12 and 14. Must be completed before downloading the TAR document KDE:OAA:DAS: ko: 8/10/2018
Alternate K-PREP Resources ITEMS FOUND ON RESOURCE PAGE Alternate K-PREP Administration Guides for Overview/AT and TAR Trainings Alternate K-PREP Calendar Alternate K-PREP Science Progressions KDE:OAA:DAS: ko: 8/10/2018
Alternate K-PREP Communications Houses Alternate Assessment E-Mails KDE:OAA:DAS: ko: 8/10/2018
Alternate K-PREP Content/ Assessment Standards Alternate K-PREP Aligned to Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS) Stores all grade level content standards for the Kentucky Alternate Assessment; very important page. KDE:OAA:DAS: ko: 8/10/2018
Alternate K-PREP AAAF Alternate Assessment and Accountability Folder (AAAF) Required for every student taking the Alternate K-PREP, (annually). Webpage for the AAAF shares a separate training related to maintaining the AAAF. The different areas shared are: AAAF Important Terms AAAF Requirements AAAF Student Information Page (required) AAAF Work Sample Requirements AAAF Attainment Tasks Support Worksheet KDE:OAA:DAS: ko: 8/10/2018
Alternate K-PREP Systems Page (Save to Favorites) Online Training System (OTS): Location to take online quizzes, print certificates for completion of training, access TAR documents for grade 11 students. Student Registration Database (SRD): Cannot be accessed until the District Assessment Coordinator (DAC), Director of Special Education (DoSE) or someone with district rights give teachers permission to enter scores. Will not officially open until November 1. Career Readiness Database (CRD): Houses scores from the ESAR and CWEC. Information shared through the Career Technical Education (CTE) office. KDE:OAA:DAS: ko: 8/10/2018
Alternate K-REP Systems Page (Continued) MUST REGISTER IF YOU ARE A NEW USER: Access the Alternate K-PREP Systems Page: Select Register (on the left of the screen/below members area); provide the required information. Your username will be your school e-mail account; provide a password that is easy for you to remember. Select “Register” at the bottom of the page. This information will also be used for the Student Registration Database (SRD) that will allow score input after the DAC approves access in November. For additional questions, please contact Kevin O’Hair or by phone at (502) 564-4394. KDE:OAA:DAS: ko: 8/10/2018
Regional Low Incidence Consultants CONSULTANT NAME(s) E-MAIL ADDRESS West Kentucky Educational Cooperative Sherida Gentry sgentrywkec@gmail.com Green River Region Education Cooperative Deb Myers and Therese Vali Deb.myers@grrec.ky.gov Therese.vali@grrec.ky.gov Jefferson County Public Schools Jina-Gibson Hurst Jina.Gibson-hurst@Jefferson.kyschools.us Ohio Valley Educational Cooperative Amanda Bruce ABruce@ovec.org Northern Kentucky Educational Cooperative John Winslow john.winslow@nkces.org Central Kentucky Special Education Cooperative Sally Miracle sally@cksec.org Southeast/Southcentral Educational Cooperative Annie Conner annie.conner@sesccoop.org Kentucky Valley Educational Cooperative Cheryl Mathis Cheryl.Mathis@hazard.kyschools.us Kentucky Educational Development Cooperative Mandy Carter Mandy.carter@kedc.org KDE:OAA:DAS: ko: 8/10/2018
Special Education Service Regions KDE:OAA:DAS: ko: 8/10/2018
KDE CONTACTS FOCUS AREA CONSULTANT NAME PHONE Assessment and Accountability Kevin O’Hair (502) 564-4394 Participation and Instruction Tania Sharp (502) 564-4970 KDE:OAA:DAS: ko: 8/10/2018