Residency Application and Interviewing Session to occur in May Date and time to be announced Interviewing should be during vacation time-no time off allowed during required rotations. Faculty may allow with adequate notice and make-up activities
Purpose of the 4 th Year Explore your interests Strengthen your knowledge, clinical skills and clinical reasoning Prepare for residency Broaden your education
Outline of Year 4 CCX/USMLE Step 2 (CK and CS) 4 week neurology clerkship Doctoring Year 4 Geriatrics Doctoring Mentoring Activities 30 weeks of elective credit 4 week Intensive Clinical Experience (4 weeks filled first) 4 weeks Basic Science Electives Electives in 3 clinical departments (OB/Gyn, Peds, IM, Surg, Psych, FCM) Residency applications/interviews
CCX Clinical COMPETENCY Exam Informs YOU (and SPC) Use results to guide/alter your curriculum Pass is desirable Passing all cases is most desirable Failing is a signal
Scheduling Neurology Lottery system OK to change with a friend If early match or military please take during Dec or Jan!
CHOOSE YOUR ADVISOR List is on Year 4 website Ask if they are willing and identify to Cherie before our Orientation Session in March You may get advice from anyone you want, but you must choose from the list to approve your schedule.
Choosing an Electives Advisor Choose an advisor in the same specialty as your residency choice. They may have connections/insight. Choose someone you like and respect. Consider whether you need someone to push you to work or relax. Remember everyone on the list is a volunteer.
EVALUATIONS Elective evaluations use the same criteria as ALL RESIDENCY PROGRAMS use ACGME CORE COMPETENCIES Patient care Medical knowledge Practice based learning and improvement Interpersonal skills and communication Professionalism Systems based practice
Pathways FCM, OB/GYN, IM, PEDS, PSYCH, Pathology Community Outreach Surgery: ortho, general, plastic, ENT 12 weeks (nonconsecutive) –4 ICE; 4 basic science; 4 elective No risks/benefits Bragging rights!
General Advice You are paying $$$$$$$$$ per month Be sure you get your moneys worth!
General Advice Use your faculty advisor to design your 4 th year curriculum Choose electives that will provide independence and autonomy Choose electives in area of residency Choose electives out of area of residency Check out surveys of program directors (see Y4 website) – s/NRMP%20PDSurvey% pdf
INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED ELECTIVES Goals/objectives/evaluations Faculty signatures Must be turned in 3 weeks prior
Extended Electives Occur on Thursday pms. Can NOT occur during required clerkships or remediations. Otherwise, Thurs pms not off. Get credit for no more than one and a full time elective at once. Cannot overlap extended electives.
RESIDENCY READINESS ELECTIVES Surgery Emergency Medicine Ob/Gyn Pediatrics Internal Medicine Radiology
AWAY ELECTIVES Helpful for certain situations, but not for all! –If you arent certain about a region of the country. –If the training at some other center is unavailable here. –If you REALLY, REALLY, want to go to a certain program. –Competitive regions of the country –Middle of the pack/Lower end students If you go, go to shine You are coming with baggage, you dont want to make it worse
Away Electives in a nutshell PROS CONS You get to know them Can be $$ They get to know you
Non-Cognitive Behavior Concern Note Goes to Curriculum Director meeting Goes to Dean of Student Affairs meeting Goes to your file If a 2 nd occurs, SPC **Egregious (deadly sins)SPC directly
CONSEQUENCES! Satisfactory with decreased weeks of credit Incomplete (must be completed before Aprilor converts to Unsatisfactory Unsatisfactory-stays on transcript and triggers review by most medical licensing boards (ie. delays licensure for residency and practice each time you apply!)