IT TAKES A VILLAGE TO SUPPORT AN OLDER PERSON Presented by Sharon Macpherson- Nurse Specialist, OPR & Jane Kay- Age Concern Elder Abuse Response Service
SOME STATISTICS Over 2,000 cases of elder abuse reported in NZ each year. 10% of people over 65 in NZ experience abuse. 75% of abusers are family members – mostly adult children or grandchildren. 40% of alleged abusers live with the older person. One third of abused elderly people live alone.
WHAT IS ELDER ABUSE ? “A single or repeated act , or lack of appropriate action, within a relationship where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person.”
NOT a matter of identifying the “baddie” and sorting it out. There are always many sides to each situation. Often the alleged abusers themselves are in need of support referral to the correct agency/service.
But even when there is a clear abuser and a clearly abused elder- it is not a simple matter to find a resolution.
Just as …. Elder abuse cases need input from many different teams and disciplines.
SHOPPING SERVICE ACCREDITED VISITING SERVICE FIELD WORK/SUPPORT And then we turn to the rest of the village outside of our own home.
Collaboration is the key As defined by the World Health Organization, collaborative practice occurs when multiple health workers from different professional backgrounds provide comprehensive services by working with patients, their families, caregivers and communities to deliver the highest quality of care across settings. (WHO, 2013) Collaboration is the key
Community Support Services Waikato Hospital – OPR, Emergency Department, Social Worker Community Support Services Aged Residential Care
Waikato Hospital services Referral to Waikato Hospital OPR Formal Geriatric review in clinic. Dementia diagnosed. CNS asked to review home situation CNS and Age Concern fieldworker visit. Patient unwell IDEA services contacted to work alongside team to support daughter while patient is admitted to hospital House clean started Contact police regarding firearms Plumbing and electrical professionals involved START team to support going home Disability Support Link involvement for long term supports Support agency for long term home supports Waikato Hospital services Age Concern IDEA services NZ Police Trade services START team & DSL Community Supports
As the saying goes “It takes a village to raise a child”