The Buffalo Empire State Poverty Reduction Initiative (ESPRI) Presentation by Madeline Gerbracht Community Engagement Specialist Empire State Poverty Reduction Initiative
Who gave the Grant? - Governor Cuomo NY state 16 communities Who Governs the Grant? - Mayors Office - UW - Community Foundations for Greater Buffalo Assembly member Erie county executive Steering Committee Phase One of the grant focused on two areas - 1.The Creation of a Taskforce for advisement and collaboration and 2. community based research and data collection During Phase One we gathered data, researched, and conducted community outreach We went to the people were they were at Churches, parks, community centers community forums Conducted by research professionals trained in trauma informed care pop-ups surveys 900
Organization Structure of the Grant Community Partners and Providers State Government and Municipalities ESPRI/ United Way November 8, 2018
Asset Limited Income Constrained, Employed people. What Defines Financial Hardship? The Average Survival budget for a family of 4 in NY state is $62,472 the federal poverty level is $23,850. That’s a difference of $37,698 Dollars! Who is are target population! Why did we chose this population? The ALICE population are those who have income above the poverty level but, who's cost of living is higher then their earnings. 2016 ALICE numbers Family of 4 November 8, 2018
What Defines Financial Hardship? In Erie County 41% of households struggle to afford basic needs. 60% of Buffalo City residents live in financial hardship. The Federal Poverty line is $11,670 The financial survival budget is $19,812 that’s a difference of $8,142 Family of 1 November 8, 2018
Who lives in Financial Hardship? That friend or family member that works two or three jobs and can never get ahead. The person you know who no matter what they do can never earn enough to survive on. The single parent you know who earns “too” much and looses their benefits. November 8, 2018
Community Assessment Feedback The ESPRI Initiative asked the community…? What are the underlying causes of financial hardship faced by community members? What are the challenges and obstacles that individuals, families, and communities face who live in financial hardship? What changes need to be made in order to alleviate financial hardship within the community? These Questions were targeted in order to dig deeper in conversation and to reveal the general and specific barriers in our communities November 8, 2018
Most common responses… The availability of jobs, the need for more education and training, and the need for higher wages were continual and frequent answers. both in the current challenges named by residents and as opportunities for change. November 8, 2018
The Most Pressing Concerns in the Community… Financial Hardship 45% Jobs & Employment 43% Education and Training 20% November 8, 2018
The Most Pressing Concerns in the Community… Housing 27% Transportation 17.1% Shout out for executive summary reduce financial hardship November 8, 2018
The Most Pressing Concerns in the Community… Childcare 15% Health and Wellness 17% Food Access and Availability 15% November 8, 2018
What is the Goal of ESPRI…? ESPRI Phase One Focused on data collection, community interaction, and coalition building. THRIVE Buffalo is Phase Two of ESPRI and focuses of financial stability, training and employment, and wrap around services. Phase Two began in December and is broken down into 5 quarters November 8, 2018
for this systems based workforce development initiative. THRIVE Buffalo PLAN IMPLEMENTATION ESPRI will be the backbone facilitator One of THRIVE Buffalo’s goals is for better coordination between the demand and supply side of employment. For the first quarter of the Phase Two implementation plan THRIIVE Buffalo will be focused on: Development of an invitation process for pilot participation Management of vendor contracts with partner agencies All of our decisions will be and have been research based and community impact driven. for this systems based workforce development initiative. Program Evaluator, Data Management Systems, Technology, Office Supplies November 8, 2018
What does THRIVE Buffalo mean for the community? Thrive Buffalo’s main focus is to support working families. Create a system approach to workforce development. To create a workforce development pipeline for Buffalo. While Providing Supportive services for long term stability and success. with wrap around services to achieve stable employment and financial stability. that empowers and supports organizations, community members, and provide wrap around services Collaborate with community organization who already work to elevate financial hardship and work to connect job seekers with employers. November 8, 2018
Who are our partners ? Advocacy soft skills and training November 8, 2018
Thank you.
For more information about ESPRI please contact us at: Mads For more information about ESPRI please contact us at: 716-887-2662